Ansoumane Douty DIAKITÉ
Official Title: Associate Professor | Head of the Department of Law and Public Policy | Programme Coordinator for the Master of Lusophone and International Public Law, Community Development and Government Studies
Faculty: Faculty of Business and Law
Short Bio
Ansoumane Douty DIAKITE is an Associate Professor at the University of Saint Joseph, Macau. Since 2009, he has served as a member of the Faculty of Business and Law. He has been responsible for the following administrative responsibilities since 2009:
1) 2020- Up to now : Head of the Department of Law and Public Policy, University of Saint Joseph (USJ)
2) 2020-Up to now : Coordinator of the Macau Academy of Comparative Alternative Dispute Resolution (USJ)
3) 2020 Up to now: Coordinator of the Master of Community Development (USJ).
4) 2018-Now: Coordinator of the Master of Lusophone and Public International Law
5) 2018- 2020: Coordinator of the Center for Social and Legal Studies (USJ)
6) 2016- 2018: Coordinator of the Bachelor of Business Administration (USJ)
7) 2009-2012- Coordinator of the Center for African Research and Development (USJ)
He obtained a PhD in Government Studies from the University of Saint Joseph. In addition, he earned a Master's Degree in European, International, and Comparative Law from the University of Macau. The subject of his research was International Investment Dispute Settlement through Arbitration.He completed his undergraduate studies at the Sorbonne branch in Cairo, Egypt (Institut de Droit des Affaires Internationales, IDAI) from 2002 to 2006.
In addition to his academic degrees, he obtained several certificates and diplomas in Macau as well as elsewhere. Among them are:
1) Graduate Studies Program (GSP) Certificate awarded by the United Nations Office in Geneva in July 2007;
2) Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration issued jointly in March 2008 by the Macau Legal and Judicial Training Center and the Charter for International Commercial Arbitration of Hong Kong;
3) Diploma in International Trade and Investment Law awarded in July 2008 by the Macau Academy of International Trade and Investment Law of the Institute of European Studies of Macau (IEEM);
4) Diploma in Culture and Sustainable Development awarded in 2012 by the Institute of European Studies of Macau (IEEM);
5) Certificate in Macau's Legal System, awarded in 2015 by the Rui Cunha Foundation
6) Diploma in Management awarded in 2018 by the Macau’ Institute for Tourism
7) Diploma in Intellectual Property Law awarded in 2018 by the Institute of European Studies of Macau and Maastricht University (Netherlands);
8) Certificate in International Private Law Section awarded by the Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands;
9) Certificate in International Trade and Investment Law awarded in 2020 by the Academy of International Trade and Investment Law, Macau;
10) Certificate in Cyber Resilience Capacity Building awarded in 2020 by the United Nation University Institute in Macau.
Furthermore, Prof. Diakite has also been engaged in extra-academic activities. In April 2006, he became one of the founders of the Association for the promotion of African Business Law in Cairo. He served as President of the African Chamber of Commerce in Macau from 2015-2018.
Professional Memberships:
2021 up to now : Affiliated experts-Asia Pacific FDI Network APFN (
Since 2022: Member of the Associação Lusófona de Arbitragem e Mediação (Lusophone Arbitration andMediation Association)
Publications & Conferences:
Peer reviewed Journals & Practice Notes
Diakite, A. D. (2023). Perspectives of Local Communities on the Impact of Chinese Aid: A Case Study of China's Aid Projects in the Education Sector in Guinea. Journal of Globalization Studies, Vol. 14 No. 2, November 2023, pp. 85–103. DOI: 10.30884/jogs/2023.02.05. Scopus index Q2., A.D. (2023). Enforcement of arbitral awards in Macau [Practice Note]. LexisNexis.
Diakite, A. D., & Marques, J. A. L. (2023). Categorization of Foreign Aid Donors: A Critical Review of the Criteria in Light of China's Reemergence as a Donor. Journal of Global South Studies, 40(2).).Scopus index Q4.
Diakite, A. D. (2023). Challenging arbitral tribunal jurisdiction in Macau [Practice Notes]. LexisNexis.
Diakite, A. D. (2023). Interim remedies in Macau arbitration proceedings [Practice Note]. LexisNexis.
Diakite, A. D., & Cheok, S. L. (2023). Arbitration as a dispute resolution method in Macau [Practice Notes]. LexisNexis.
Diakite, A. D. (2023). China’s Aid policy approach to Poverty Alleviation in the recipient country: A Case study of the Republic of Guinea. Journal of Social Studies (JSS), 19(1), 15–40.
Si, L. C., & Diakite, A. D. (2023). An Exploratory Study of Macao’s Role As An Arbitration Seat And Venue For Sino-Luso Commercial Disputes. Revista Opinião Jurídica (Fortaleza), 21(36), 181–204. Scopus index Q3.
Diakite, A.D., and Thiam, A.B (2022)."An Exploratory Study on the Possibility of Harmonizing Investment Protection Regimes within the OHADA Zone" (TDM, ISSN 1875-4120) June 2022, .The second TDM Special Issue on "The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)". .
Marques, J.A.L., Reis, J.M., Phillips, J.O.L, and Diakite, A.D. (2020). The Importance of Readiness for Change: a leadership perspective based on a case study in Macau, S.A.R. China. Journal of Advanced Management Science. 8(4), 116-120.doi: 10.18178/joams.8.4.116-120
Diakite, Ansoumane D., and Phillips, Jenny O. L. (2019), Motives of Traditional and Emerging Donors in Aid Giving: Comparative Study between China and France. In: Journal of Social and Political Sciences, Vol.2, No.4, 1026-1037.DOI:10.31014/aior.1991.02.04.140
Negreiros, J. and Diakite, A. (2019) Ten Spatial Problems with myGeoffice© for Teaching Purposes. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7, 297-317.
Diakité, A.D. (2010). Aid to Infrastructure Development in Sub Saharan Africa: An Assessment of China Financing Approaches. China-Africa: New Types of Exchange, Cultural Identity and Emerging Relations in a Globalized World (pp.205-227). Macau: Saint Joseph Academic Press
Paper presented at the international conferences
Diakite, A.D.(2021). Local Perspectives and Implications for International Aid Architecture. Paper presented at the Online Roundtable Discussion organized by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 12 Nov. 2021.
Diakite, A.D.(2022).China and Africa: The Case Study of Guinea: Opportunity and Risks. Paper presented at the Workshop organized by Beijing Yale Center & Rothlin CSR Consulting Ltd. Beijing, 15 December 2021
Diakité, A.D. (2015). Assessing Poverty Reduction in China’s aid Policies toward Africa. Paper presented at the conference on Asian Studies in Africa - Challenges and Prospects of a New Axis of Intellectual Interactions, which will take place in Accra, Ghana from 24-26 September 2015.
Lavanchawee, S.L. Diakité, A.D., & Hsiang-Ning R.C (December 2011). Obstacles to Cross-Cultural Interaction in an Eastern Cultural Environment: Chinese-African Co- Habitation. Paper presented at International Conference on Education, Taiwan.
Diakite, A.D. (September, 2011). Une Analyse Sommaire des Projets Industriels Financés Par L’aide Chinoise en Guinée depuis la Première République. Paper presented at the - Study Tour in China for French Speaking African Researchers, China Foreign Affairs University; Beijing.
Book and Book Chapter:
Book chapter
Faro, M and Diakite A.D.(ongoing). Decentralization and Local Development in Guinea: Assessment of the challenges and solutions for improvement. For the upcoming book, Community Development Practice in Africa: Putting Theory into Practice (Book Chapter).
Edited book
Souza, I. C., Diakité, A.D., & Iwaloye, O.O. (Eds.). (2011). China and Africa Emerging Relations. Macau: Saint Joseph Academic Press, Macau.