USJ Alumni Tuition Discount

USJ Alumni Tuition Discount

Available to USJ alumni and their next of kin (spouses, children and parents)

In recognition of their important role as proud members of the USJ family, USJ is delighted to offer our alumni and their next of kin (spouses, children, and parents) a 25% tuition fee discount for all degree programmes (Bachelor, Master and PhD) enrolled from 2020/2021 onwards.


  • USJ alumni are graduates who have been granted a Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Doctoral Degree or Postgraduate Diploma in Education by the Inter-University Institute of Macau (IIUM) or the University of Saint Joseph (USJ).
  • USJ alumni must be registered as Regular Members or Associate Members of the Alumni Association of University of Saint Joseph (AAUSJ) throughout the period of the discount.
  • Those who entitle the discount are expected to be high performers at USJ.  For the qualifications and expectations to keep receiving the discount, please check the USJ Alumni Fees Discount Policy.
  • Applicants must read the USJ Alumni Fees Discount Policy and AAUSJ Tuition Fee Discount Registration in detail.

Application Procedure

  • Step 1: Fill in the Alumni Registration Form, and submit it here, if not already a member of AAUSJ.
  • Step 2: Submit the Alumni Tuition Fee Discount Form.
    • Upload relevant legal documentation for proof of relationship with alum (for next of kin only).
  • Step 3: Receive confirmation email from the Office for Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA).



USJ Alumni Registration Form

USJ Alumni Tuition Fee Discount Form

UCP Alumni Tuition Discount

SRO_UCP Alumni Tuition Discount_poster_V1 (2)Available to UCP alumni and their next of kin (spouses, children and parents)

In recognition of the important role of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) to USJ, USJ is delighted to be able to offer the alumni of UCP and their next of kin (spouses, children and parents) a 25% discount on tuition fees for all degree programmes starting from 2020-2021 academic year.


  • UCP alumni are graduates who have obtained an academic degree conferred by the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP).
  • UCP alumni should have registered as members of the Alumni Association of the Catholic University of Portugal in Macau, China, and maintain their membership throughout the period of the discount.
  • Those who entitle the discount are expected to be high performers at USJ.  For the qualifications and expectations to keep receiving the discount, please check the UCP Alumni Fees Discount Policy.
  • Applicants must read the UCP Alumni Fees Discount Policy in detail.

Application Procedure

  • Step 1: Confirm the alumni membership with the Alumni Association of UCP in Macau, China (Contact:
  • Step 2: Submit the UCP Alumni Tuition Fee Discount Form.
    • Upload relevant legal documentation for proof of relationship with alum (for next of kin only).
  • Step 3: Receive confirmation email from the Office for Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA).

Important Notes

    1. If the applicant is entitled to more than one type of fee discount at USJ, only the highest discount will be applied.
    2. The USJ Alumni Fees Discount Policy will be effective from Spring Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021.  The fee discount applies to tuition payments made afterwards.
    3. The UCP Alumni Fees Discount Policy will be effective from Spring Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021.  The fee discount applies to tuition payments made afterwards.

For inquiry, please contact: Office for Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA) Tel: +853 8592-5655 /+853 8592-5699 Email:

Last Updated: July 26, 2024 at 5:46 pm
