Courses Open for Application

The public programmes of the Lifelong Learning Office are available to the general public. The courses offered target language and professional skills, such as Information Technology, Statistics, Legal Matters, or Verbal and Written Communication. The aim of these courses is to contribute to the acquisition and development of competencies by the people of Macao throughout different stages of life and contribute to the whole-person development.

Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) established the continuing education development subsidy scheme in 2011, subsidised eligible local residents aged 15 and above with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education opportunities.

Programmes Open for Application:

(New Course) Putonghua Course (B2 Level) 

  • Date: 01 to 14 August 2024
  • Time: Monday to Friday, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Mandarin supplemented with English
  • Targeted Participants: General public and interested parties – participants who with 60 hours of previous Mandarin learning
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

(New Course) Putonghua Course (C1 Level) 

  • Date: 15 to 28 August 2024
  • Time: Monday to Friday, 18:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Mandarin supplemented with English
  • Targeted Participants: General public and interested parties – participants who completed the Putonghua Course (B2 level) or with 90 hours of previous Mandarin learning
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

(New Course) Equipping your Toolkit to Work with Couples 

  • Date: 06 and 07 September 2024
  • Time: Fri 18:30 – 21:30; Sat 09:00 – 13:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English supplemented with Cantonese
  • Targeted Participants: Counsellors, Graduate Students and Interested parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

 Latin – Basic III (Completed)

  • Date: 16 May to 04 July 2024
  • Time: Tue, Thu 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Latin supplemented with English
  • Targeted Participants: General Public / Interested Parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

Sustainability and Innovation in Agriculture and Food: From farm to fork  (Completed)

  • Date: 16, 23, 30 May and 06 June 2024
  • Time: every Thursday 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Targeted Participants: Interested parties, professionals in the F&B industry, quality control, engineering and agriculture, and those who are interested in sustainability solutions for food and food waste reduction. 
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

 Latin – Basic I (Completed)

  • Date: 24 April to 24 June 2024 (01, 15 May and 10 June 2024 excluded)
  • Time: Mon, Wed 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Latin supplemented with English
  • Participant: General Public / Interested Parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

International Humanitarian Law – An Introduction  (Completed)

  • Date: 13 May to 31 May 2024
  • Time: Mon, Fri 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Targeted Participant: General public and legal practitioners
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

Star Trek Ethics, Law and Justice (Cancelled)

  • Date: 15 April to 29 April 2024
  • Time: Mon, Fri 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Targeted Participant: Any person with legal or philosophical background that wishes to break frontiers on the ways to look at these relevant topics, and use Star Trek examples to better illustrate and transmit some important principles, any Star Trek fan, any academics and teachers that purport new and modern approaches to teaching, including the use of videos and literature. 
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

Latin – Basic II  (Completed)

  • Date: 12 March to 14 May 2024 (26, 28 March and 02, 04 April 2024 excluded)
  • Time: Tue, Thu 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Latin supplemented with English
  • Participant: General Public / Interested Parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

Animals and the Law (Cancelled)

  • Date: 26 February to 08 March 2024
  • Time: Mon, Fri 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Targeted Participant: Public workers, Lawyers and jurists in general that wish to explore and better understand the complex topic of the relation Animals vis-à-vis Law. Also, people that work or is active in animal protection or dealing with animals such as veterinarians. Anyone with curiosity and interest in this topic and wish to know more, to better understand the complexities of the topic.
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

 Comparative Law Relevance and Functions  (Cancelled)

  • Date: 15 January to 29 January 2024
  • Time: Mon, Fri 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Targeted Participant: Public workers, Lawyers and jurists in general that understand and wish to explore that Macau is a juridical laboratory in terms of comparative law and in which legal comparisons are very common and relevant, be it in law making, being in contract making namely with Hong Kong and Mainland. It is also a very important tool for all those that wish to better their knowledge, to reinforce its understanding of Law in general and of several fields of law in particular. Macau is not an isolated «legal» island and it is in a context of a legal world more and mores cosmopolitan, more and more connected, more and more mutually influenced and those who wish to further explore these topics will have a very good opportunity with this course
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

 Introduction to Legislative Procedure (Postponed until further notice)

  • Date: 28 November to 14 December 2023
  • Time: Tue, Thu 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Portuguese
  • Targeted Participant: People working at the Legislative Assembly, at the Government, or working at public administration departments that are or may be involved in legislative procedure in some of its phases, plus anyone that cultivates constitutional law as well as any law graduates that intend to better their knowledge on constitutional law, legislative procedure, political systems.
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

 Latin – Basic I (Completed)

  • Date: 31 October to 14 December 2023 (02 November 2023 excluded)
  • Time: Tue, Thu 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: Latin supplemented with English
  • Participant: General Public / Interested Parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

Anglo-Saxon (Old English) (Postponed until further notice)

  • Date: 25 October to 27 November 2023
  • Time: Mon, Wed 19:00 – 21:00
  • Location: University of Saint Joseph – IIha Verde Campus
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Participant: General Public / Interested Parties
  • Delivery of Mode: Face-to face Lecture
  • Details click here

*The D.S.E.D.J. 2023-2026 Continuing Education Development Subsidy Scheme is NOT available for this course.

Last Updated: July 15, 2024 at 9:51 am
