Official Title: Adjunct Associate Professor (Visiting Academic)

Faculty: School of Education


Short Bio

Xu Su Qiong is Associate Professor of Department of Special Education, School of Education, Chongqing Normal University. From 2010 to 2011, she was hired as the consultant of inclusive education by Handicap International. She has been hired by the Chongqing Disabled Persons’ Federation to evaluate local rehabilitation institutions and provide policy consultancy from 2022 to 2025. She also has memberships of the Disable persons’ Federation of China and the International Positive Behavior Support Association. Since 2016, she is one of the editor broad of the International Journal of Emotional Education. Her broad areas of interest are special needs and inclusive education: for example, policy and practice issues, concepts and values, emotional and behaviour difficulties, moderate learning difficulties,  inclusive curriculum and pedagogy, special education curriculum and teaching, and professional learning.

Over the recent 5 years, she, as principle investigator, has obtained six funded projects :

2023  Educational transition for children with disabilities from preschool to primary school, funded by Ministry of Education of China

2023  Education equity and quality for children with disabilities in minority areas, funded by Chongqing Education Department

2022  Transition from segregated environment to inclusion, funded by Chongqing Disabled Persons’ Federation and Chongqing Science and Technology Commission

2021  Learning support system for students with disabilities in primary inclusive schools,  funded by Disable persons’ Federation of China

2020  Home-bound schooling for children with severe disabilities, funded by Chongqing Education Department

2019  Inclusive pedagogy in China, funded by The Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Educational Technology of Children with Special Education Needs


(1)Su Qiong Xu, Jinxin Zhu and Steve Smith (2022). Primary School Students’ Perceptions of Class Environment and Their Attitudes towards Inclusive Education in China. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. Q4)

(2)庞文,徐素琼(2022).残障大学生满意度影响因素的概念模型:基于英文文献的研究. 残疾人研究.2022(3). (CSSCI)


(4)邓 莉,徐素琼,况小雪(2022).聋人大学生情绪管理能力对职业决策自我效能感的影响.现代特殊教育.2022(10):23-30.

(5)Su Qiong Xu, Jinxin Zhu, Zhuoxuan Xie and Xuehui Li(2022).The psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the attitude survey inclusive education-parents.l. BMC Psychology (2022) 10:103(SSCI,Q2)

(6)Xuehui LI,Su Qiong Xu,Luanjiao HU(2022).Protection or Restriction: An Analysis of Employment Rights for Visually Impaired Persons in China. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 2022(1) (通讯作者,SSCI,Q4)

(7)Su Qiong Xu, Paul Cooper & Kenneth Sin (2020):From Inclusive-Oriented Curriculum to Inclusive Pedagogy: The Realization of Inclusion Education. The Journal of Hong Kong Special Education, 2020(22): 55-65 

(8)Su Qiong Xu & Paul Cooper (2020): Mainstream teachers’ perceptions of individual differences among students in inclusive education settings of China, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1735541(SSCI,Q2)

(9)Huang R, Shen R and Xu SQ (2020) Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Family Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children With Developmental Disabilities in China. Front. Psychol. 11:1585. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01585 (通讯作者,SSCI,Q2)

(10)Su Qiong Xu, Paul Cooper & Kenneth Sin (2017): The ‘Learning in RegularClassrooms’ initiative for inclusive education in China, International Journal of Inclusive Education,DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2017.1348547 (SSCI,Q2)

(11)徐素琼, COOPER Paul, Kenenth SIN(2021). 国外融合教育视野下的课程探究及启示. 现代特殊教育,2021(3)74-79.

(12)徐素琼 李学会 (2019).西方融合教育的理论框架及启示。残障权利研究,2019 34-39.

(13)Su Qiong Xu(2016). An exploration of inclusive education in China: the practitioners’ perceptions of curriculum. Proquest, 80千字,2016


(15)徐素琼 黄丽(2010). 徐动型脑瘫儿童随班就读的个案研究.中国特殊教育,2010(3):23-25(核心,CSSCI)

(12)徐素琼,向友余(2010). 随班就读中学习障碍儿童社交技巧训练的研究报告.中国康复理论与实践,2010,16(2)182-184(核心,CSCD)

(17)徐素琼(2009).美国对身心障碍者的家庭支持及其对我国的启示. 中国特殊教育.2008(9)5-8(核心,CSSCI)



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