Anna Chan
Official Title: Emeritus Professor | Head of the Department of Chinese Programmes
Faculty: Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy
Short Bio
1985 Master (S.T.L.) (Spirituality), Pontificia Studiorum Universitas Salesiana Romae. 1986 Master (S.T.L.) (Sacred Liturgy), Pontificia Athenaeum Anselmianum Facultas Liturgiae seu Pontificium Institutum Liturgicum Romae 1993 Doctorate (S.T.D.) (Sacred Liturgy), Pontificia Athenaeum Anselmianum Facultas Liturgiae seu Pontificium Institutum Liturgicum Romae 2008 Diploma (Archivistica), Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica Teaching experienceFrom 1996 to 2007 she taught theology at the Holy Spirit Seminary College of Theology and Philosophy of Hong Kong, and she was appointed as one of the members of the editorial board of the Theology Annual of the College during the same period. She was invited also to teach in the various seminaries in Mainland China from 1998 to 2006. She joined the University of Saint Joseph in January 2011 and held the position of Vice-Rector of the University from October 2011 to September 2014, when the mandate terminated. At present she is teaching theology in the Faculty of Religious Studies. More bio will appear soon.Publications
A. Kai Yung Chan-A.M. Triacca-A. Pistoia (a cura di), Ephemerides Liturgicae, Indice
Generale 1887-1986 (Roma: Edizioni Liturgiche, 1989).
Anna Kai Yung Chan, Liturgical Spirituality and Christian community (Hong Kong: Kong
Kong Diocesan Liturgy Commission, 1989).
Anna Kai Yung Chan, Il Padre Nostro nei principali commenti patristici e il suo uso nella
Liturgia latina = Thesis ad Lauream no 181, Dissertatio ad doctoratum Sacrae Liturgiae assequendum in Pontificio Instituto Liturgico (Romae: 1993).
Articles published in books
Anna Kai-Yung CHAN, «Worship of the Catholic Church. A Brief Introduction to the
Liturgical Tradition of the Catholic Church», in Christian Worship Revisited = Faith and Life
Series 3 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 1999 revised edition) 68-160
Anna Kai Yung Chan. «Participation in the Liturgy», in Handbook for Liturgical Studies, Volume II:
Fundamental Liturgy. Edited by Anscar J. Chupungco (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1998) 145-159.
Anna Kai Yung Chan. «Restricted View on “Beauty” as Revealed in the Scripture», in
Philarchisophia and Classics III, edited by Yang Xi (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2006) 300-316.
Articles published in periodicals
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Report on the International Congress on the Reform of Gregory VII
and Europe», Collectanea Theologica Universitatis Fujen 66 (1986) 569-576.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Il rito della consegna del Padre Nostro (Mt 6,9-13) nei Sermoni
LVI-LIX di Sant‘Agostino di Ippona», Ecclesia Orans 10 (1993) 287-312.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «A Brief explanation of the Liturgy of the Word», Kung Kao Po (29
March-17 May 1996) in 7 parts.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The motive of the participation of the faithful in the liturgy, and their
role in the liturgy», Kung Kao Po (12 July-2 August 1996) in 4 parts.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «St Augustine‘s Views on Sexuality», Spirit 32 (1997) 11-28.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The Transmission and Reception of Faith and Theological Method»,
Theology Annual 19 (1998) 13-51.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The Holy Spirit - Source of the Church‘s Liturgical Dynamism»,
Spirit 36 (1998) 54-62.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «God The Father in St. Augustine‘s Our Father», Spirit 39 (1998)
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Faith, theology and the Magisterium of the Church», Kung Kao Po
(27 September-8 November 1998) in 7 parts.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Contemporary Trends in Catholic Theology: Liturgy», Spirit 41
(1999) 60-74.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The Necessity of inculturation from the perspective of modernization
and globalization», Theology Annual 21 (2000) 105-115.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The Third Command “Remember to keep Holy the Lord’s Day”»,
Spirit 46 (2000) 12-29.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Perspectives for the inculturation of Liturgy in the Church in
China», Theology Annual 22 (2001) 1-81.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Evangelization, theology and some of the contemporary thinking», in
Vineyard 29 (2001) 23-28 [Newsletter of the Student Association of Sheshan Seminary].
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Forgiveness and Hope: A Liturgical Perspective”, Spirit 57 (2003)
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The Popes commemorated in the First Eucharistic Prayer [The
Roman Canon] », Spirit 62 (2004) 24-38.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Vatican II and the Liturgy», Spirit 68 (2006) 90-124.
Anna Kai-Yung CHAN, «A Brief Introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office)»,
Spirituality and the Modern Metropolis, Theology & Life, Annual Theological Journal 29 (2006) 17-35.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Scripture and Liturgical Celebrations», Spirit 76 (2008) 53-83.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «Report of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of The Synod of
Bishops» written in Chinese and published on Aurora, Serviço Noticioso No. 5 (03/02/2013), and in English which was translated into Portuguese and transformed into an interview by the Editors (without informing the author of the Report) with the title «Macau no Vaticano» published on O Clarim, Semanario Católic de Macau No. 37 (08/02/2013).
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «From the Month of All Souls in the purgatory to introduce the
concept of the Chinese’s memorial ceremony to their ancestors I», O Clarim (14 November 2014 Chinese edition) p. 6.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «From the Month of All Souls in the purgatory to introduce the
concept of the Chinese’s memorial ceremony to their ancestors II», O Clarim (21 November 2014 Chinese edition) p. 6.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «From the Month of All Souls in the purgatory to introduce the
concept of the Chinese’s memorial ceremony to their ancestors III», O Clarim (28 November 2014 Chinese edition) p. 6.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The significant meaning of Advent and Christmas I», O Clarim (12
December 2014 Chinese edition) p.6.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The significant meaning of Advent and Christmas II», O Clarim (19
December 2014 Chinese edition) p. 6.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The inspired feeling from the pilgrimage journey to Shang Chuen
Island I», O Clarim (19 December 2014 Chinese edition) p. 7.
Anna Kai Yung Chan, «The inspired feeling from the pilgrimage journey to Shang Chuen
Island II», O Clarim (09 January 2015 Chinese edition) p. 9.
方奉天原著,陳繼容編譯,《信仰小引導》 光啟叢書,上海,天主教上海教區,光啟社
1997 [Original title: Bruno Forte, Piccola introduzione alla fede (Milano, Edizioni Paoline 1992)].