Official Title: Assistant Professor | Coordinator of the Domingos Lam Centre for Research in Education

Faculty: School of Education


Short Bio

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • M.Phil. in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • B.A., Psychology; B.A., Human Ecology; B.S., Interior Design (with special honors), The University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.

Academic and Professional Positions

  • Coordinator for the Domingos Lam Centre for Research in Education (DLCRE), University of Saint Joseph, Macau (2022 - present)

  • Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Saint Joseph, Macau (2021 – present)

  • Principal Investigator for the Chinese Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) Project (「語文童樂」﹕讀寫支援及研究計劃」) (2024 – present)

  • Management Committee Member, Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima – Secção Chinesa (聖羅撒女子中學中文部校董會成員) (2022 - present)

  • Research Coordinator for the School of Education, University of Saint Joseph, Macau (2022 - 2024)

  • Co-Principal Investigator for the GEG Chinese Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) Project (「語文童樂」﹕銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃」) (2021 – 2024)

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Macau (2012 – 2021)

  • Honorary Instructor and Co-investigator for the GEG Chinese Literacy Pilot Scheme Project (「語文童樂」﹕銀娛讀寫支援先導計劃」) and the GEG Chinese Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR) Project (「語文童樂」﹕銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃」) (2016 – 2021)

Research Interests

  • Parenting and socialization

  • Early childhood development and education

  • Early childhood literacy development

  • Developmental, educational, social, personality, cultural, and evolutionary psychology

  • Attachment and human development

  • Interpersonal relationships

  • Sexuality education and sexual attitudes


ORCiD: 0000-0002-8895-9616

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Chen, W. W., Gao, X., Wang, Z., & Mak, M. C. K. (2022). Unhappy us, unhappy me, unhappy life: The role of self-esteem in the relation between adult attachment styles and mental health. Current Psychology, 41, 837-846. DOI: (SSCI; 2020 IF=4.297; 5Y-IF=3.544; Rank: 78/203; Psychology)

  • Mak, M. C. K., Yin, L., Li, M., Cheung, R. Y. H., & Oon, P. T. (2020). The relation between parenting stress and child behavior problems: Negative parenting styles as mediator. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 2993-3003. DOI: (SSCI; 2018 IF=1.556; 5Y-IF=2.105; Rank:22/46; Family Studies)

  • Vong, K. I. P., Mak, M. C. K., Leung, S. O., & Chang, S. H. (2020). Age as the most prominent predictor of young children’s creativity performance and challenges at critical turning points early in life. Creativity Research Journal, 32(2), 192-197. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2020.1768486 (SSCI; 2018 IF=1.130; 5Y-IF=1.645; Rank: 85/137; Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

  • Mak, M. C. K., Vong, K. I. P., Lu, S., & Leung, S. O. (2020). Towards a Performing Creative Characteristics Scale (PCCS) for Chinese young children. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 35, 100633. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100633 (SSCI; 2018 IF=1.655; 5Y-IF=1.969; Rank: 106/243; Education & Educational Research)

  • Yang, X., Guan, Y. J., Zhang, Y., She, Z., Buchtel, E., Mak, M. C. K., & Hu, H. (2020). A relational model of career adaptability and career prospects: The roles of leader-member exchange and agreeableness. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(2), 405-430. DOI:10.1111/joop.12301 (SSCI; 2018 IF=2.323; 5Y-IF=4.613; Rank: 31/82; Applied Psychology)

  • Huang, L., Huang, F., Oon, P. T., & Mak, M. C. K. (2019). Constructs evaluation of student attitudes towards Science. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(12):em1792. (SSCI: IF=0.903, 2014-IF=1.016; Rank: 76/224; Education & Educational Research)

  • Hu, B., Hou, Z., Mak, M. C. K., Xu, S. L., Yang, X., Hu, T., Qiu, Y., & Wen, Y. (2019). Work engagement, tenure, and external opportunities moderate perceived high-performance work systems and affective commitment. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 47(5), e7353. (SSCI: IF=0.548, 5Y-IF=0.687)

  • Wu, Z. L., Mak, M. C. K., Hu, B., He, J. B., and Fan, X. T. (2019). A validation of the Social Skills domain of the Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales (SSIS-RS) with Chinese preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools, 56, 126-147, DOI: 10.1002/pits.22193 (SSCI: IF=1.247, 5Y-IF=1.666; Rank: 37/59; Psychology, Educational)

  • Hu, B., Mak, M. C. K., Zhang, C., Fan, X., & Zhu, J. (2018). Chinese parents’ beliefs about the importance and feasibility of quality early childhood inclusion. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 65(2), 163-182, DOI:10.1080/1034912X.2017.1358809 (SSCI: IF=0.735, 5Y-IF=0.884; Rank: 25/39)

  • Hu, B., Mak, M. C. K., Neizel, J., Li, K., & Fan, X. (2016). Predictors of Chinese early childhood program quality: Implications for policies. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 152–162. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.09.013 (SSCI; 2015 IF=0.969; 5Y-IF=1.521; Rank: 25/43)

  • Zhou, W. X., Guan, Y. J., Xin, L., Mak, M. C. K., & Deng, Y. F. (2016). Career success criteria and locus of control as indicators of adaptive readiness in the career adaptation model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 94, 124-130. (SSCI; 2016 IF=2.555; 5Y-IF=3.885; Rank: 17/80)

  • Hu, B. Y., Vong, K. I., & Mak, M. C. K. (2015). An evaluation of China’s kindergarten quality rating system through the Chinese Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – the Zhejiang case. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 35(1), 50-66.

  • Mak, M. C. K., Han, Y. M. Y., You, J. N., Jin, M. X., & Bond, M. H. (2011). Building life satisfaction through attachment to mother and beliefs about the world: Social Axioms as mediators in two cultural groups. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 14(3), 223-239.

  • Chang, L., Mak, M. C. K., Li, T., Wu, B. P., Chen, B. B., & Lu, H. J. (2011). Cultural adaptations to environmental variability: An evolutionary account of East-West differences. Educational Psychology Review, 23(1), 99-129. [SSCI; 2013 IF=2.846; 5-YEAR IF=4.52]

  • Mak, M. C. K., Bond, M. H., Simpson, J., & Rholes, S. (2010). Adult attachment, perceived support, and depressive symptoms in Chinese and American cultures. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(2), 144-165. [SSCI; 2013 IF=1.411; 5-YEAR IF=2.00]

Books and Teaching Materials

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2024)。《學會閱讀》叢書第三輯。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。《學會閱讀》叢書第一輯。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。《學會閱讀》叢書第二輯。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。語文童樂學前語文學習卡 -- 果子級。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。語文童樂學前語文兒歌集 -- 果子級。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。語文童樂學前語文學習卡 -- 葉芽級。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

•         鄭佩芸、麥紫均 (2022)。語文童樂學前語文學習卡 -- 花兒級。澳門: 聖若瑟大學出版社。

Conference Presentations

  • Chu, K. W., Mak, M. C. K., Ng, M. H., Wong, U. W. K., Cheng, P. W., Tse, T. P. M., & Ho, G. W. S. (2023, November). Reciprocity in a school-university partnership project: Towards a Macau-based Give-Get Model. Paper presented in an oral session at The IV Uniservitate Global Symposium 2023, Manila, Philippines (held in person and online).

  • Chu, K. W., Mak, M. C. K., Tse, T. P. M., Cheng, P. W., Ho, G. W. S., Ng, M. H., & Ng, S. K. (2023, February). Developing programs for preschool children to enhance Chinese literacy: A Macau-based example. Poster presented in a poster session at The 7th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA 2023), Hong Kong (held online).

  • Tse, T. P. M., Mak, M. C. K., Chu, K. W., Cheng, P. W., Ho, G. W. S., Chan, A. O. K., Ng, M. H., & Leong, K. I. Q. (2022, February). Towards a framework of teacher professional development: The case of early literacy education in Macau. Poster presented in a poster session at The 6th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA 2022), Hong Kong (held online).

  • Ng, M. H., Mak, M. C. K., Leong, K. I. Q., Cheng, P. W., Ho, G. W. S., Chan, A. O. K., & Tse, T. P. M. (2021, December). Monitor or On-site? Macau kindergartener parents’ learning experience in face-to-face and online parent education seminars. Paper presented in an oral session at The International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT 2021), Hong Kong (held online).

  • Mak, M. C. K., Leong, K. I. Q., Ho, G. W. S., Cheng, P. W., Chan, A. O. K., Ng, M. H., & Tse, T. P. M. (2021, July). Does school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic have an effect on Macau kindergarteners’ literacy development in Chinese? Poster to be presented in a poster session at The 28th Annual Conference for the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR 2021), USA (held online).

  • Mak, M. C. K., Cheng, P. W., Ho, G. W. S., Chan, A. O. K., Leong, K. I. Q., Ng, M. H., & Tse, T. P. M. (2021, March). To Zoom or not to Zoom: Macau kindergartener parents’ perception of the effectiveness of parent education program for early literacy development using face-to-face and online methods. Paper presented in an oral session at The 5th Annual Conference for the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan (held online).

  • Mak, M. C. K., & Cui, T. X. (2019, July). A study on the relationship among maternal parenting styles, gender role orientation, and subjective well-being (探討母親教養方式性別角色定位和主觀幸福感之間的關係). Paper presented in a paper session at The 6th Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 2019 (2019 年『第六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區青少年性與生殖健康論壇』), Taiwan.

  • Li, M. H., & Mak, M. C. K. (2015, June). An exploratory study of the association between parent-adolescent relationship and family sex communication in Chinese context. Paper presented in a paper session at The 4th Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 2015 (2015 年『第四屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區青少年性與生殖健康論壇』), Macau.

  • Mak, M. C. K., Han, Y. M. Y., You, J. N., Jin, M. X., & Bond, M. H. (2008, July). Early attachment and life satisfaction across two cultures. Paper presented in a paper session at The 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

  • Mak, M. C. K., Bond, M. H., Simpson, J., & Rholes, S. (2008, June). Adult attachment, perceived support, and depressive symptoms in two cultures. Paper presented in a symposium at The 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Hong Kong.

  • Mak, M. C. K., Bond, M. H., Friedman, M., Rholes, S., Simpson, J., & Chan, C. (2007, July). The association between attachment styles to parent and lover, and its effect on current relationships. Paper presented in a symposium at The 7th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.


Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 Master
3 credits
3 credits
Year 1 PGDE
3 credits
Year 1 Bachelor
3 credits
3 credits
Year 2 Bachelor
3 credits
Year 3 Bachelor