Latest News
Portugal Tour News
Students’ Experience in Portugal organised by USJSA with the support from GAES, Jorge Álvares Foundation and our Alumni Association
USJ’s Professors attended Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on Social Innovation
CPLP Consultative Observer Status granted to USJ.
Prof. Vincent Yang, Pro-Rector, gave a presentation on fighting corruption at ISRCL Annual Conference in San Francisco during 9th – 13th July, 2017
Prof Thomas Daniell participated in a training promgramme organised by GAES.
Fujian National Knowledge and Cultural Exchange Tour from 18 – 22 June 2017
USJ Rugby Team won the 1st runner-up in the Macau Touch League (Touch Rugby)-Season: Spring 2017
USJ Rugby Team won the 1st runner-up in the Macau Touch League (Touch Rugby)-Season: Spring 2017
Prof. Álvaro Barbosa published a co-authored (with Prof. Thomas Tsang) research paper at the NIME 2017
The Singing Contest of Macao Universities