Latest News
“2020 USJ V Career Development Series – Architecture” Online Sharing Session was Held on Google Meet
A milestone for the book “Research Methods in Education”
AAUSJ Anti-epidemic Fundraising for Hubei, China
For the third year, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) has provided the Mental Health First Aid course.
Alumni Association of USJ Vice-Chairman Addy Chan talked about preventing COVID-19 at home through Facebook Live-Sharing
Press Release from the Diocese/Catholic Foundation (uploaded on 13 February 2020)
Supporting Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) Visited USJ and Achieved Mutual Cooperation Intention
USJ held its 2019/2020 Community Scholarships and Fellowships Award Ceremony on 22 January 2020
Professor Jacky Goo visited the Faculty of Creative Industries on 20 January 2020