Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: 藝術及人文學院


Short Bio

Filipa Martins, Ph.D., is an accomplished Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) in Macao, SAR. With a Doctoral Degree in Science and Technology of the Arts (specialisation in Interactive Art) from the Catholic University of Portugal - School of Arts in Porto, a Master's in Science in Multimedia & Entertainment Technology (MSc) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - School of Design, and a Bachelor's in Communication Design (Portuguese Licenciatura) from the University of Lisbon - Faculty of Fine Arts, Filipa is a dedicated professional with a passion for education and innovation.

Filipa's leadership extends to her role as the Faculty Pedagogical Council President and her participation in the University Senate, where she contributes as the Faculty staff appointed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) team and Green Committee. Her expertise encompasses various subjects, including Interaction Design, Game Design, Visual Communication, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Theory and History of Art & Design, Project and Design Management, and Interactive Technologies.

As a designer, Filipa specialises in creating innovative digital experiences centred around play, engagement, and fostering creative behaviours in learning environments. Her passion for digital and interaction design, focusing on game design, research, and development, is evident in her multifaceted role as a professor, researcher, and designer. Her research interests encompass user-centred design, creativity, behaviour psychology, and meditation methodologies, which intersect with her expertise in game design.

Filipa's current research initiatives revolve around funded and non-funded projects that explore the Visual Identity of the city of Macao through patterns and textures, tangible interactions, and mobile platforms in learning environments. Her extensive professional background includes roles in private and public corporations in Portugal, Hong Kong, and Macao, where she contributed as a consultant, researcher, lecturer, project leader, design manager, and creative director. Her focus encompassed R&D, game design, marketing strategies and solutions, digital interactive products, and branding.

With over four years of degree coordination, thirteen years as a professor, and over eighteen years of hands-on experience in Design, Art, and Technology, Filipa's rich and diverse experience, coupled with her academic and professional achievements, positions her as a strong figure in the fields of design, education, and research.



// Si Weng Lio, Martins de Abreu, F. (2023). Re-experiencing Street Signage with Augmented Reality around the City of Macau. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH2023) November 28-30, 2023, Faro, Portugal.

// Estadieu, G., Ng, S. O. K. M., Martins de Abreu, F., & Farinha, D. F. (2023, November 29). Beyond Physical Boundaries—Organising a Virtual Exhibition with NFTs for an International Conference. 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH 2023), November 28-30, 2023, Faro, Portugal. .

// Gerald Estadieu, Filipa Martins de Abreu, Carlos Sena Caires & Adérito Fernandes-Marcos (Eds.), Book of Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts, Media and Technology – Emerging Extended Realities (ARTeFACTo2022Macao), 24, 25 Nov. 2022, Ilha Verde Campus, University of Saint Joseph, Macau. IEEE ISBN: 979-8-3503-1001-6. (146 pages). 

// Estadieu, G.; Martins de Abreu, F.; Sena Caires, C.; & Fernandes Marcos, A. (Editors). Book of Proceedings of ARTeFACTo 2022 Macao, Third International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts, Media and Technology - Emerging Extended Realities.  24-25 Nov. 2022, Macao. IEEE ISBN 979-8-3503-1004-7; DOI: 10.1109/ARTeFACTo57448.2022; available through IEEE Xplore March 2023 -

// Martins de Abreu, F., & Barbosa, A. (2022).
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
"A Multimodal Game Design Framework for Creativity in Macau's Educational System Through Digital and Tangible Games - Chinese, Portuguese, and English Languages"
Publication in the International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG).

// Un Man Cheng, Martins de Abreu, F. (2022).
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
"An Integrated Learning Platform Focusing on STEAM and Collaborative Modules for Macau"
Publication in the International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG).

// Tin Lan Chang, & Martins de Abreu, F. (2022).
”Experience the Past in the Present with Immersive Technologies”
MULTIMODUS - 1st International Conference on Sound Image in Art & Design 2022 - Abstract Proceedings

// Martins de Abreu, F., & Barbosa, A. (2018). LISBON CONSORTIUM - VIII Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture "Cyber+Cipher+Culture" | Lisboa, Portugal - "Cyberculture and Multimodal Digital Games in Learning Environments: Fostering Creativity in Macau's Educational System".

// Martins de Abreu, F., & Barbosa, A. (2017). MRI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - Common Good and Education | Macau, China "The impact of multimodal digital games in children's learning environments".

// Martins de Abreu, F., & Barbosa, A. (2017). A.C.M. Publishing – Conference Proceedings - "Creative Engagement: Multimodal digital games in children's learning environment in Macau S.A.R.". Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH217), Macao S.A.R., China, A​CM International Conference Proceeding Series​, ​Part F1309.​ ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5273- 4/17/09.

// Estadieu, G., Martins de Abreu, F., & Barbosa, A. (2017). "3D printing objects installation art: 'Standing humanity: 3D yan character'". Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH217), Macao S.A.R., China, A​CM International Conference Proceeding Series​, ​Part F1309.​ ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5273- 4/17/09.

// Cordeiro, J., Martins de Abreu, F., & Estadieu, G. (2017). "Audience participation in interactive art systems: Is instructional signage a necessary evil?". Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH 217), Macao S.A.R., China, ​A.C.M. International Conference Proceeding Series​, ​Part F1309.​ ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5273- 4/17/09.
Presented by Filipa Martins de Abreu


IEEE Member || ACM Member


PROGRAMMES CO-SUPERVISION // September 1st, 2022 - currently
Master of Design
PROGRAMME SUPERVISION // September 1st, 2022 - currently
Bachelor of Fashion Design
DESIGN PROGRAMMES COORDINATION // September 1st, 2019 - August 31st, 2022
Bachelor of Design
Bachelor of Fashion Design
Master of Design

// Coordinator of four Fashion/Graduation Shows for the Bachelor of Fashion Design


President of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Pedagogical Council. Design Professors Degrees Representative - 2020 - currently


|| Man Cheng Ng, Jinn

SUPERVISOR - Master of Education
|| Sarah Anne Pottier – Using games to enhance primary students’ ability to work in a group and increase their learning abilities: Case Study - Macau School.

SUPERVISOR - Master of Design - Specialisation in Interaction Design
|| Hoi Kan Cheang, Vien | “Exploring the Emotional Connection Through User Interfaces and Aesthetic Design to Improve User Experience in Macau's Mobile Food Delivery Apps”
|| Leong Kun Sio, Eric | “Bringing Synergies: The Fusion of VR Games and Social Games in "My Little Planet"
|| Wai I Wong, Hazel | “Exploring Azulejo Tiles: Revealing Macau's Cultural Heritage Through a Mixed Reality Experience (Augmented and Virtual Reality)”
|| Rongsi Lin, Kevin | “Single-User Language Learning Optimisation: Enhancing User Experience and Interface Design in Chinese and English Gamified Teaching and Learning Applications”
|| Yin Jinli, Michael | Enhancing Game Development Through User Experience-Centered Design: A Case Study of a Subgenre Dungeon Crawl Role-Playing Computer Game (High-Tower)
|| Liang Shiyue, Sarah | A Design Research Perspective on Exploring Interactive Augmented Reality Children's Illustration Books in Macau: Case Study - A MA Temple
|| Hio Ieng Lau, Helre | Revitalising the Old Protestant Cemetery (Macau) with Engaging Interactive Experiences for Cultural Preservation

SUPERVISOR - Master of Communication and Media
|| Pedro Sou | “Student engagement and the sense of belonging in Higher Education through Effective Communication: Case Study - University of Saint Joseph” 
|| Katherine Chan | “How do Virtual Exhibition Platforms (VIEPs) affect Macau’s Fashion Designer’s Brand Awareness in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)?” 
|| On Nei Long | “Elevating Brand Communication: A Case Study about Macau Souvenir Design for the Global Market - Visual Elements and Principles.”


SUPERVISOR - Master of Design - Specialisation in Interaction Design
|| Wing Lio – Redesigning Macau's Street Signage with Interactive Illustrations by creating an Augmented Reality Experience
|| Patricia Soares – The power of design in storytelling for visual merchandising: a comparative Study on Instagram in Hong Kong and Macau.
|| Un Man Cheng, Rachel – Integrative Educational Platform Focusing on STEAM Approaches: A Macau Case Study
|| Chang Tin Lan, Krissy – Integrate VR/AR into historical reproduction sceneries in Macau's heritage buildings
|| Julieta PereiraMacau Mobility: Empowering the Commuter - Case Study: e.mobility application

SUPERVISOR - Master of Communication and Media
|| Grania Cheong | “How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) generate Art and its Visual Communication affect humans' imagination, communication, and culture?
|| Kate Chang | “The Business Communication Strategy of Millennials Slash Workers and Its Effect on The Job Market Of Creative Industry
|| Melissa Ma | “The International Communication Symbol Effect of Traditional Chinese Women's Clothing in Social Media: Case Study - Li Ziqi’s Short Videos on YouTube
|| Claúdia Nicolau – How does fake news affect people in Asia & Europe during a pandemic - Case study - COVID-19
|| Diana Macedo Guerreiro – The impact of e-commerce in local businesses in Macau: Online Store vs Physical Store

CO-SUPERVISOR - Master of History and Heritage Studies
|| Fu Ho I - Natalie – Macau residential house study - shophouse as an example


Faculty of Arts and Humanities -
Specialisation in Global Studies


Multimodal Digital Game Experiences in Learning Environments // Digital Objects and Physical Objects (interactive experiences) // Learning through Digital Systems // Digital and Physical Game Experiences // Play: Learning through Play - Multimodal Play - Tangible Play // Design: UX | IxD | UI // Smart Urban Mobility Systems // Game Design for Learning Environments // Instructional Design and Technology // Systematic Creativity in Education // Digital Fabrication


Jul 2023/Jun 2024
Project Principal Investigator - Filipa Martins de Abreu
Team //
- Lead Researcher - Alumni Mamadú Seck
- Specialised Research Assistant - Patricia Soares
- Design Researcher - Katherine Chan
- Student Ambassadors - Fazmina Mohamed | MJ Bumactao | Hazel - Wai I Wong 
- Alumni Researcher - Wing Sio
- Consultant - Gérald Estadieu
- Advisor - Francisco Viseu Pinheiro
Funded by: MF - Macau Foundation Funding Scheme in Academic Projects
MOP 150,000.00
Taking into account our previous research project, "VISUAL IDENTITY: Patterns and Textures in the City of Macau (territory) - with the great competition between cities, it becomes essential to understand the set of concepts, patterns and structures that create the visual identity of a city. To understand the city in visual terms, it is important to understand the evolution of the city over time and the history of the city to understand what determines a characteristic (visual) identity of this city." We propose to continue the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, together with the analysis of cartography studies of the city through its textures and patterns and its reuse in the creation of physical objects in 3D printing, laser cutting engraving and embroidery construction, as well as the research and use of sustainable materials and recyclable in its production.

Jun 2022/Jun 2023

Position: Project Principal Investigator - Filipa Martins de Abreu
Team //
- Lead Researcher - Alumni Mamadú Seck
- Design Researcher - Katherine Chan
- Student Ambassadors - Fazmina Mohamed | Kayla
- Alumni Researcher - Wing Sio
- Translation - Sandra Ng
- Consultant - Gérald Estadieu
- Advisor - Francisco Viseu Pinheiro
Funded by: MF - Macau Foundation Funding Scheme in Academic Projects 
MOP 150,000.00
With the great competition between cities, it is essential to understand the set of concepts, patterns and structures that create the visual identity of a city. To understand the city visually, it is important to understand the city's evolution over time and its history to understand what determines its characteristic (visual) identity. Consequently, it is necessary to understand the adaptation and flexibility of the identity, considering the various technological advances that are felt around the city. Is that identity being lost or rebuilt? The acquisition of theoretical knowledge, together with the analysis of studies of mapping the city through its textures, patterns, and signage, will allow us to understand where Macau fits in terms of visuals and identity. In addition to understanding the characteristic identity of the city through its patterns and textures.

Sep 2019/Mar 2021
Designer and Project Collaborator with Prof. Gérald Estadieu (P.I.) in the MGTO - MACAU GRAND PRIX MUSEUM Project - "Interactive Design & Fabrication - Action-Research Project" Collaborative initiative between Macau Grand Prix - Museum and University of Saint Joseph.
Team Role: Project Coordinator, 3D Printing Post-Processing Specialist, Designer

"Theatrical Robots and Arts" ​(Science Promotion)

The Faculty of Creative Industries of the University of Saint Joseph, in collaboration with the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR), School of Arts of the Catholic University of Portugal, proposed to take robotics and artificial intelligence as disciplines and bring them closer to performing arts by generating bridges and seeking to attract the general public and young people to science and scientific research. Funding: Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e da Tecnologia (FDCT) - 0041/2018/PS.
Team Role: Project Assistant and Designer

​Universal Design Experimentation with The British Museum's Italian Renaissance Drawings
Collaboration with Prof. Gérald Estadieu for a three-month exhibition with The British Museum's "Italian Renaissance Drawings" at the Macau Arts Museum. The experimental area is based on digital fabrication to make tangible drawings. Experimentation with visually impaired people.
Team Role: Project Coordinator, 3D Printing Post-Processing Specialist, Designer

"Prototyping​ ​Spaces​ ​&​ ​Interactive​ ​Experiences​ ​on ​Campus" ​(Science Promotion) This project aims to boost students' creativity in their daily lives. To provide them with a more active, creative and collaborative learning environment. Through a creative process, they can propose new interactive solutions to enhance the life experience on campus for all students and staff. Teams of students from different backgrounds and different study environments will voluntarily enrol. For the first year, we plan to propose some projects, and ultimately, in the coming years, students will submit projects to the Committee. This project will require students to imagine, develop, and test new ways of living on campus. Funding: Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e da Tecnologia (FDCT) - 017/2016/P
Team Role: Project Coordinator and Designer.
Prof. Gérald Estadieu was PI.

2019 ongoing
INNOVATIVE PATTERNS - This project aims to develop students' creativity and encourage them to strive for innovation, interactivity, design, and art. 3D printing has been used in fashion design by artists in recent years, as well as the development of advanced garments with technological materials.
Team Role: Project Responsible


"​Espresso Dog​"
AnnoCannis 2018 (Interactive Sculpture)
Collaborated with Prof. Gérald Estadieu on the "AnnoCannis 2018" project, a Macau Chinese New Year Street Art Exhibition. Interactive Sculpture of a dog partially covered with coffee capsules and L.E.D. animation.
Team Role: Designer and Project Coordinator

Live Exhibition "Yan Character​"
Collaboration with Prof. Gérald Estadieu at Creative Macau. Live 3D Printing of unique blocks to create a two-metre high Chinese "Yan" - people - a character with interactive video mapping and visitor participation.
Team Role: 3D Printing Post-Processing Specialist and Project Coordinator

Q.R. Goat"
AnnoCaprum 2015 (Interactive Sculpture)
Collaboration with Prof. João Cordeiro, Prof. Gérald Estadieu, Cristina Dias and Rui de Abreu on the "AnnoCaprum 2015" project, a Macau Chinese New Year Street Art Exhibition. Interactive Sculpture of a goat tagged with Q.R. codes.
Team Role: Designer


Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 Master
3 credits
3 credits
Year 2 Master
3 credits
Year 1 Bachelor
2 credits
2 credits
Year 2 Bachelor
1.5 credits
2 credits
6 credits
3 credits
6 credits
Year 3 Bachelor
2 credits
Year 4 Bachelor
3 credits
4 credits
4 credits
6 credits
3 credits
Year 5 Bachelor