
USJ is determined to support your academic studies through opportunities for scholarships and other financial assistance.

Current Students


The USJ Community Fellowship Programme is aimed to support the financial needs of promising students in pursuing their studies in our university. The fellowships are donated by various prominent local institutions and individuals to students with outstanding academic performance.

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USJ Community Scholarship Programme

All USJ Community Scholarships result will be announced by the Office for Student and Alumni Affairs in the first semester. It is not necessary for students to apply for USJ Community scholarships and the USJ Scholarship and Fellowship Committee selects the recipients according to the values and purposes defined by the donors with the confirmation of the programme coordinators.

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Prospective Students


Once a student has been accepted to USJ, students are eligible to receive many supports throughout their time in University until graduation. Support and guidance are given across all pillars of student life included but not limited to:

*DSEDJ defines low-income households as those with a monthly income of less than MOP6,530 (1 family member) to Mop 30,410 (8 family members or above).  For detailed information, please click here.

**Low to lower-middle income countries here refers to the World Bank classification.

USJ 校友學費優惠

聖若瑟大學視校友為大學重要成員之一,並以本校校友的卓越成就為榮。為此,本校樂意為校友及其直系親屬提供25% 的學費優惠, 此優惠適用於由20/21年入讀的所有學位(學士、碩士、博士)課程。 Learn more >


View All Past Scholarship and Fellowships: Photo Album

最後更新: May 16, 2023 在 12:53 pm
