Official Title: Assistant Professor

Faculty: School of Education

, 教育學院


Short Bio

Dr. Chen holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D). She has worked with children with developmental disabilities in home and school settings, especially young children with autism spectrum disorders, in the mainland China, the USA, Singapore, and Macao SAR. She is an advocate of equitable education and an active life for individuals with disabilities. 


PhD (Educational Psychology), University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, the United States

M.Ed., B.Ed., B.A., Beijing Normal University, China


Academic Appointments

10/2023 – present: Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Saint Joseph, Macao SAR, China

04/2017 – 10/2023: Research Scientist/Lecturer, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Professional Certification

11/2017 – present: Board Certified Behavior Analyst—Doctoral (BCBA-D; Certification #: 1-17-29042)

  • Served as the Chief Clinical Supervisor for Elim Autism Schools since 2019


Research Grants Funded as Principal Investigator

  • 03/2020 – 10/2023: PI, “Developing and Piloting an Assessment Tool of Daily Living Skills for Students with Special Educational Needs in Singapore” (DEV 05/19 CM; Tier 2). Funded by Singapore Ministry of Education

  • 10/2018 – 10/2020: PI, “Piloting Voice Banking in Singapore: Experiences from Healthy Voice Bankers/Donors” (SUG 06/18 CM). Funded by Singapore Ministry of Education

  • 01/2018 – 12/2020: PI, “Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) for the Activities and Participation Rating Scale (APRS) in Singapore” (OER 13/17 CM; Tier 1). Funded by Singapore Ministry of Education

  • 11/2017 – 11/2018: PI, “Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences of Their Teaching Practices Regarding Daily Living Skills for Students with Intellectual and Development Disabilities at APSN Schools” (Skool4Kidz-Teachers P). Funded by Skool4Kidz

  • 2009: PI, “Investigating the Professional Development of Special Physical Education Teachers in the Schools for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Beijing”. Funded by Beijing Normal University

  • 2006: PI, “Investigating the Career Expectation of Students with Deafness in Beijing”. Funded by Beijing Normal University


ORCID; SCOPUS; Google Scholar

Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (^indicates supervised student; *indicates equal contribution)

  • Shah, S. B. Z^., Yeo, D., & Chen, M. (accepted). Faculty’s attitudes towards inclusive education for university students with special educational needs (SENs) in Singapore. Higher Education Research & Development. (Q1; SJR 2023 IF=1.43)

  • Kit, P. L., Ow Yeong Wai Mang, E., & Chen, M. (2024). Changing professional identities: A qualitative study of how Singapore allied educators managed their own resistance to change. Teacher Development. (Q2; SJR 2023 IF=0.47)

  • Chen, M., Dutt, A., & Nair, R. (2024). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of Skills and Needs Inventories in Functional Behavior Assessments and Interventions (SNI-FBAI-CN). Behavioral Interventions. (Q1; SJR 2023 IF=0.67)

  • Hyppa-Martin, J., Lilley, J., Chen, M., Friese, J., Schmidt, C., & Timothy, H. (2024). A large-scale comparison of two voice synthesis techniques on intelligibility, naturalness, preferences, and attitudes toward voices banked by individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 40(1), 31-45. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.76)

  • Chen, M*., Hyppa-Martin, J*., Bunnell, T., Lilley, J., Foo, C., Han-Wei, T., & Wei-Shun, L. (2023). Voice banking to support individuals who use speech-generating devices: Development and evaluation of Singaporean-Accented English synthetic voices and a Singapore Colloquial English recording inventory. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 39(4), 208-218. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.76)

  • Chen, M., & Kreibich, S. (2023). Reducing perseverative requesting and other problem behavior in a young girl with autism via a sequential intervention. Advances in Autism, 9(2), 97-115. (Q3; SJR 2022 IF= 0.4)

  • Nair, R. Chen, M., Dutt, A., Hagopian, L., Singh, A*., & Du, M*. (2022). Significant Regional Inequalities in the Prevalence of Intellectual Disability and Trends from 1990-2019: A Systematic Analysis of GBD 2019. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 31, e91, 1-11. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=2.32)

  • Chen, M*., Dutt, A*., & Nair, R. (2022). Systematic review of reviews on activities of daily living measures for children with developmental disabilities. Heliyon, 8(6), E09698. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.61)

  • Chen, M., Nah, Y-H., Waschl, N., Poon, K., & Chen, P. (2021). Developing a computerized adaptive test of a culturally appropriate adaptive behavior measure. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. (Q2; SJR 2022 IF=0.57)

  • Chen, M., Kreibich, S., & Hyppa-Martin, J. (2021). Teaching a child with autism to request help only when needed. Advances in Autism. (Q3; SJR 2022 IF=0.4)

  • Hyppa-Martin, J., Chen, M., Janka, E., & Halverson, N. (2021). Effect of partner reauditorization on young adults' attitudes toward a child who communicated using nonelectronic augmentative and alternative communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 37(2), 141-153. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.76)

  • Faragher, R., Chen, M., Miranda, L., Poon, K., Chang, F. R., & Chen, H. (2021). Inclusive Education in Asia: Insights from Some Country Case Studies. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 18(1), 23-35. (Q2; SJR 2022 IF=0.64)

  • Hyppa-Martin, J., Curfman, A., Chen, M., & Mizuko, M. (2020). Comparing embedded and non-embedded visual scene displays for a young adult diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A clinical application of single case design. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 36(1), 3-18. (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.33)

  • Chen, M. (2019). Examining generalization performance in a conditional discrimination task for learners with moderate to severe intellectual and developmental disabilities: Using a generalization gradient. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 20, 14-47. (Q2; SJR 2022 IF=0.56)

  • Chen, M. (2019). Communication interventions on conditional requesting or rejecting skills for individuals with moderate to severe developmental disabilities: A scoping review. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65(4), 205-219. (Q3; SJR 2022 IF=0.43)

  • Chen, M., Hyppa-Martin, J., Reichle, J., & Symons, F. (2016). Comparing single case design overlap-based effect size metrics from studies examining speech generating device intervention. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121(3), 169-193. doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-121.3.169 (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.59)

  • Kreibich, S., Chen, M., & Reichle, J. (2015). Teaching a child with autism to request breaks while concurrently increasing task engagement. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 46(3), 256-265. doi: 10.1044/2015_LSHSS-14-0081 (Q1; SJR 2022 IF=0.81)

  • Chen, M., McComas, J. J., Reichle, J. E., & Bergmann, J. A. (2015). Brief component analysis to identify the active variable in the maintenance of tolerance for delay of reinforcement intervention for an adolescent with autism. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27, 393-404 (Q2; SJR 2022 IF=0.5)


Book Chapters & Conference Proceedings Papers

  • Lim, Y. T^., Nah, Y.-H., & Chen, M. (2024). Comparing online learning experiences between university students with and without special educational needs during COVID-19. In The 3rd Paris Conference on Education (PCE2024): Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 337-352). The International Academic Forum.

  • Chen, M., Clarissa, N. M. Y^., & Yu, J. R^. (2022). Investigating the public’s experiences and knowledge of communicating with people with dementia, In: Guo, H., Ren, H., Wang, V., Chekole, E.G., Lakshmanan, U. (eds) IRC-SET 2021. Springer, Singapore.

  • Waschl, N., & Chen, M. (2022). Cross-cultural considerations for adapting valid psycho-educational assessments, In Tan, O. S., Poon, K. K., O'Brien, B. A., & Rifkin-Graboi, A. (Eds.), Early Childhood Development and Education in Singapore (PP. 113-140). Singapore: Springer.

  • Reichle, J., & Chen, M. (2016). Challenging behavior and communicative alternatives. In M. Romski, & R. A. Sevcik (Eds.), Communication interventions for individuals with severe disabilities. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.


Book Translation

  • Beukelman, D. R., & Mirenda, P. (2012). Augmentative and alternative communication: Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs (4th edition). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Translated by Chen, M., & Peng, Y. Chinese Edition (2020). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House. 《擴大和替代溝通:支持有複雜溝通需求的兒童與成人》(第4版)

  • Malott, R. W., & Shane, J. T. (2013). Principles of behavior (7th edition). Pearson Press. Translated by Qiu, B.-B., & Chen, M. Chinese Edition (2019). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House. 《行為原理》(第7版)

  • Kennedy, C. H. (2004). Single-case designs for educational research. Pearson Press. Translated by Wei, X.-M., Chen, M., Yang, X.-J., & Tian, L. Chinese Edition (2014). Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House. 《教育研究中的單一被試設計》(第1版)


Op-Ed Articles

  • 陳墨(2019). 一起體面老去. [Link]

  • 陳墨(2018).孤獨症孩子在普通學校會被邊緣化嗎?[Link]

  • 陳墨(2017).孤獨症孩子父母的婚姻保衛戰. [Link]

  • 陳墨(2017).家裡小孩有智力障礙,對正常發展的兄弟姐妹有什麼影響?[Link]

  • 陳墨(2016).面對唐氏綜合症產前診斷的結果:生或不生?[Link]

  • 陳墨(2016).親愛的,我們會更容易離婚嗎?[Link]

  • 陳墨(2016).有一種養育壓力叫做“身為孤獨症孩子的父親”. [Link]


Year 1 Doctorate
Year 1 Master
Year 1 PGDE
Year 1 Bachelor
Year 2 Bachelor
3 credits
Year 3 Bachelor
Year 4 Bachelor