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Hong Kong Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School visited USJ on 1 December 2014
Prof. João Cordeiro in the Faculty of Creative Industries, USJ, presented his latest artistic work at the INTER-FACE conference in Lisbon, on 21 November.
Zélia Lai, student from the programme of Bachelor of Communication and Media received two awards for her documentary “A Glimpse on the Handicapped” at the Award Ceremony of the Sound&Image Challenge 2014 on 4 December 2014.
Rector Fr. Peter Stilwell recently met with a delegation of SAFP
The inauguration ceremony of MALA (Macau Academic Library Alliance) took place in the University of Macau Library on 3 December 2014….
DesignEd Asia 2014 – the leading conference for design education in this region.