Latest News
The representatives of USJSA participated in the Inauguration Ceremony of the General Association of Chinese Students in Macau on 5th March 2017
AAUSJ and USJSA visited the Liaison Office last week.
Students of the Master in Community Development interviewed a prominent legislator and social service practitioners for people with disabilities of Macau.
Prof. Francisco talked about “One Belt One Road” at UCP on 6 Feb 2017
USJ Participated in Joint Conference for Universities in Jiangsu, Macau and Portuguese Speaking Countries and Signed MOUs with YZU and JSU from 20th to 25th October 2016.
USJ Joined Alliance of Universities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau on 15th November 2016
USJ and ISCAP-IPP signed MOU on 3rd January 2017
Application Now Open! ERAMUS + Programme to Italy
Visit of the Delegation of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon to USJ on 11th January 2017.
Prof. Isabel Morais presented a paper at the 11th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference.