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On 9 July 2019, the USJ Graduation Dinner 2019 was held at the JW Marriott Hotel Macau to celebrate the graduates’ accomplishment.
SBL’s Prof. Jenny Phillips and ISDO’s Daniel Farinha were presenters at The Lisbon Consortium’s “Neurohumanities: Promises & Threats”
Researchers from USJ’s ISE published article on geochemistry of submarine sediments collected in DHF on the Southwest Indian Ridge
Researchers from USJ’s ISE determined how the locally consumed Asiatic clam Meretrix meretrix responds to 4,4-dichlorobenzophenone (DCBP), a breakdown product of the pesticide Dicofol (DDT-like)
USJ Opened Bishop Domingos Lam Centre for Research in Education in June 2019
FSS participated in the Rehabilitation International Asia and Pacific Regional Conference
Dean of USJ’s School of Education participated in the Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference in June 2019
On 28 June 2019, USJ’s Business Club visited the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and CEEC
Prof. Álvaro Barbosa presented a Keynote Speech at the Barcelona Music Technology Forum in June
On 24 June 2019, AAUSJ visited the Bank of China Macau Branch
USJ’s SED academic staff attended the Award Ceremony of Award Scheme on Instructional Design on 22 June 2019