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Earlier this year, Rector Peter Stilwell visited Fu Jen Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and met with President Vincent Han-Sun Chiang…
Macau is witnessing an important transition in the field of higher education.
Congratulations to our two Government Studies freshmen, Kelly and Daniel
Rector Peter Stilwell meets with Chair of Beijing Normal University to develop academic cooperation
Rector Peter Stilwell meets with Chair of Beijing Normal University to develop academic cooperation
The USJ Admissions Office has just participated in “Consultation on Further Studies 2014” which was taken place on 26th October 2014 (Sunday) at Sheng Kung Hui Escola Choi Kou (Macau).
University of Saint Joseph participated in the TIS University Fair 2014
Prof. Francisco Pinheiro and Ms Amy Lee from the USJ Admission Office have just participated in “Korea Study Abroad Fair 2014” with Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange and the Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES) from 11th to 15th September along with the representatives from other local universities.