
Public Lecture: Practical Strategies for Inclusive Education 融合教育的實用策略



On 6 May 2019, USJ’s SED is organising a Public Lecture titled “Practical Strategies for Inclusive Education 融合教育的實用策略” by Mr. Pang Chi Wa, Fritz 彭智華



About the Talk 關於講座 

Students with Special Education Needs(SEN) refer to those who need special educational support due to learning or adjustment difficulties, including specific learning difficulties, speech and language impairment, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. It is important to support their individual differences in order to create an inclusive society. Mr. Fritz Pang, an experienced registered Educational Psychologist, has been working in this field for over 35 years. In 2005, he successfully developedthe“9 Strategies of Holistic Development 9S®”, an integrateddiagnosis andtreatment for those in need. In 2009, the “9S®” was awarded the first prize for outstanding thesis by the 2ndChinese Maternal and Child Health Conference. Since then, “9S®” has been widely used in the educational and social welfare field in Hong Kong.In 2016, Mr. Pang established New Horizons Life Planningunder the support of the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) provided by the HKSAR Government. With the application of “9S®” and multiple teaching strategies, the presentation willanalyze measureswhichcan be used to cater for the needs of SEN students while exploring their potential future pathways.



About the Speaker 關於講者

The speaker, Mr. Fritz Pang, is a registered Educational Psychologist who completed his Master Degree in both the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. He has been working closely with students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) for 35 years. In 1993, he established the New Horizons Development Centre and has provided professional educational psychological services to different organisations. Until today, he has served over 500 organisations and helped over 100 thousand people in need. He is experienced with the needs of SEN students, as well as their parents and teachers. He has taught a wide range of people, from babies to adults, including those with learning difficulties, gifted intelligence, severe mental handicaps, autism spectrum disorders and those with emotional and behavioral problems. He has been teaching at various universities in Hong Kong and has been nominated as a trainer for various teachers’ and parental training programmes provided by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. He is now working as a fieldwork supervisor for the Master of Social Sciences in Counseling at the University of Hong Kong. He is also an honorary consultant for the Student Guidance Association (Primary School), Hong Kong Early Childhood Educators Association, and other educational organisations. His publications include “用心教自閉”, “讀寫樂”, “嬰兒腦力工程” and “不打不罵教育孩子”.

講者彭智華先生為香港資深註冊教育心理學家,擁有中外教育心理學碩士學位,從事特殊教育工作逾35年。彭先生於1993年創辦新領域潛能發展中心,為不同機構及學校提供教育心理相關的專業服務,至今已服務超過500個機構,參與人數超過10萬人。彭先生對有特殊教育需要學生及其家長、老師的支援需要有深入了解 。他的服務對象年齡層及需要均十分廣泛,由嬰幼兒至成人個案,當中包括學習障礙、資優智能、嚴重弱智、自閉症譜系障礙以及情緒行為問題。他曾在香港多間大專學院任教,更多次獲得香港教育局委任推行教師及家長培訓工作。彭先生目前擔任香港大學輔導碩士課程實習工作坊導師,同時亦為香港小學學生輔導專業人員協會及香港幼兒教育人員協會榮譽顧問,以及多家教育機構的顧問。近年,他為家長及教師編著不同有關特殊教育的書籍,著作包括《用心教自閉》、《讀寫樂》、《嬰兒腦力工程》及《不打不罵教育孩子》。

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