
Public Lecture: Inclusive Education in Portugal: the challenge to educate all with all



Public Lecture: Inclusive Education in Portugal: the challenge to educate all with all by SED on 20th June 2018




Modern educational systems aim to educate all students regardless of their diversity.  This goal might be achieved by placing students according to homogeneity based on assumptions about their capabilities.  The philosophy of inclusion challenges these beliefs, sustaining that to learn and to be educated in heterogeneous groups add value to education and learning.  In this talk we will present and critically discuss the recent experience of Portugal, where 98.5% of students with disabilities are educated in regular classes. We will also discuss concepts of inclusion and ways of organizing the school and the learning experiences in order to turn schools into fair and inclusive settings.


DAVID RODRIGUES is a Professor at the University of Lisbon in the field of Education. He lectured in Portuguese Universities (Porto, Azores and Coimbra) and abroad (KU Leuven – Belgium, Virginia State University – USA and UNICAMP – Brazil, among others).

He has worked on international projects for UNESCO, UNICEF and Handicap International. Besides being guest lecturer in Spain, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, United States, Russia, Colombia, Cape Verde, Mexico, Bulgaria and UAE – Dubai, he is currently a Visiting Professor at the St Joseph University in Macau. Professor Rodrigues is the President of the “ONG Pró–Inclusion” and editor of the journal “Educação Inclusiva”. Since June 2015, he is National Counselor of Education in Portugal. He has published 31 books (Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Germany) and dozens of articles in specialty journals. He is reviewer of eight international journals.

Professor Rodrigues received the “Union Latina” Research Prize in 2007 and the “Pro-Inclusion” Medal of Merit in 2013. In 2017, he was awarded the “Distinguished International Leadership Award” by the Council for Exceptional Children – DISES (USA), distinction that was hailed with unanimous Vote of Congratulation by the Portuguese Parliament.