
USJ Business Students join the 75th anniversary celebrations of the UN at the United Nations University Institute in Macau





Students from the USJ Faculty of Business and Law attended the United Nations Day 75th anniversary celebrations at the United Nations University Institute in Macau on October 23.

On Friday 23rd October 2020 a delegation of students from the USJ Faculty of Business and Law attended the United Nations Day 75th anniversary celebrations at the United Nations University Institute in Macau. Activities included educational games and an interactive Q&A focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations. Specific artificial intelligence and technology related themes in relation to SDGs were also introduced.  Themes included technology empowerment in the achievement of SDGs and Cyber resilience with specific reference to Macau.

On the day, USJ Business students were informed of the realities of transnational social issues related to migrant workers, cyber security and human trafficking. In particular, as part of the greater aims of the sustainable development goals of the UN, students gained an understanding of the importance of technology applications in providing assistance in the identification of possible victims of forced migrant workers.

Presentations on the day also shed light on a range of work that the United Nations University is engaged in.  This included work done in the area of cyber security and capacity building. It was explained that information relating to local capacity building in the area of cyber security awareness and cyber resilience will be launched in Macau in the coming months.

USJ business students were eagerly engaged during the event, and a number of our students were given commemorative pins as prizes.

For more information about USJ Faculty of Business and Law Programmes, please click here: https://www.usj.edu.mo/en/courses/ba-business-administration/

For more information on the United Nations University Institute in Macau please click here: https://cs.unu.edu/

The United Nations University Institute in Macau is planning further community capacity building activities in conjunction with local universities in the upcoming months and USJ Business students are looking forward to be involved in that!



