
MRI and USJ organized symposium on Moral Leadership





MRI and USJ organized symposium on Moral Leadership from 3rd November to 5th November.

The Macau Ricci Institute (MRI) and the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) organized a two-day symposium on 3 and 4 November 2016, during which, scholars from different places met to discussed the topic of “The Challenge of Moral Leadership”. On 5 November, a workshop on “Responsible Leadership” was organized in the NAPE campus of USJ.


The symposium and workshop was a three-day-event to explore the topic of Moral Leadership. In recent years, the focus on corporate ethical behaviour and, in particular, the ethical behaviour of corporate leaders has intensified, therefore, MRI and USJ organized this symposium which aimed to put forward realistic and pragmatic scenarios to implement key concepts for the exercise of responsible leadership. The workshop was designed to help participants identify key responsible leadership principles which shape quality management practice, drawing insights from East and West wisdom traditions to address contemporary management challenges.


This event resulted as a platform for sharing and exchanging ideas between 15 international scholars and 30 workshop participants.
