
PUBLIC LECTURE - Simple minds living in complex social worlds



Simple minds living in complex social worlds: Zebrafish as a model to study social cognition and behaviour
By Prof. Rui Oliveira
Moderated by Prof. David Gonçalves

Wednesday, 25 March 2015 at 16:30
Library 2, University of Saint Joseph
Organised by USJ Institute of Science and Environment
Free Admission ‧ All are welcome



This talk addresses two basic aspects of social cognition, cognitive appraisal of social information and social learning, using the zebrafish as a model of a social teleost fish. This approach will help to develop a neurobehavioral comparative framework to search for common elementary modules of social cognition within vertebrates, and it will also further support the use of zebrafish as a vertebrate model organism for translational research in social and affective neuroscience.


Professor Rui Oliveira has a Ph.D. in Biology (1996, University of Lisbon) and is currently Rector and Full Professor of PsychoBiology at ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Portugal. He is also the Director of the Post‐Graduate Program in Psychobiology at ISPA-IU and Principal Investigator of the Integrative BehaviouralBiology Lab at the Champalimaud Neuroscience Program, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal. His key qualifications are in the field of Animal Behaviour and Neuroendocrinology. He has published over 160 research papers in international peer‐reviewed journals, including Nature. He is the founder Chief‐Editor of the journal Acta Ethologica (Springer‐Verlag) and Associate Editor of the journal Hormones and Behavior (Elsevier).