
USJ students attended talk by Professor Zvi Galil, Dean of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing





USJ students attended talk by Professor Zvi Galil, Dean of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing on 7th November 2017

Professor Zvi Galil, Dean of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing gave a talk on the first-of-its-kind programme launched in January 2014 and has sparked a worldwide conversation about higher education in the 21st century. President Barack Obama has praised OMS CS by name twice, and over 1,000 news stories mentioned the programmes. It has been described as a potential “game changer” and “the first real step in the transformation of higher education in the US.” Harvard University researchers concluded that OMSCS is “the first rigorous evidence showing an online degree programme can increase educational attainment” and the students of USJ were lucky to get the first hand information from the man who championed the programme from its inception to its current success.


The event was hosted by professor Michael Best, Director of the Institute for Computing Society of the United Nations University whose mission is to promote and do research in the area of ICT for development.  As proliferation of education and learning is one path to poverty alleviation, it is only natural that the UNU hosted this meaningful and inspiring talk.

The event saw the team of UNU-CS researchers presenting about their current research and encouraging students to participate in the area of development and research.  The eye opening experience excited many aspiring researchers and scholars who want to learn more about the organisation and research projects.

The institute hosts 3 labs,

Digital Peace Lab: ICTs for peace building and to support human security, respond to crises, and mitigate human displacement.

Gender Tech Lab: ICTs that promote women’s empowerment and enable sustainable community led development.

Small Data Lab: ICTs that create actionable knowledge from local data, empower citizens with data they trust, and improve global datasets with local data.

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The UNIVERSITY OF SAINT JOSEPH recognises the significance of the legacy of centuries in the catholic tradition of humanistic education in Macau and Southeast Asia, it assumes the responsibility of serving as a dynamic connection between diverse scientific and cultural traditions, and it commits itself to this inheritance, seeking the advancement of science, culture and relations in this part of the world.

For more information, click here

The United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society (UNU-CS) is a new research institute at the intersections of information and communication technologies and international development (ICTD) focusing on the key challenges faced by developing societies through high-impact innovations in computing and communication technologies.

For more information, click here