
USJ Macao and University of Arts Linz signed a Memorandum of Understanding





The agreement will formalize the existing collaboration, enabling the formal application to further Research Funds, and opening new perspectives for further collaboration, namely in the area of Post-Doctoral Research and supervision of Doctoral Thesis in the model of Co-Tutele.

The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) Macao and the University of Arts Linz (KunstUni) in Austria signed on Friday, 24th of May, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalize the ongoing collaborative relationship between the two Universities. 

USJ and KunstUni are already engaged collaborating in faculty exchange and conducting joint research, particularly with the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, focused on the development of technologies for Digital Heritage, namely with projects of spatialized audio with accessible technology that enables advanced studies and inventory of the acoustic mapping at heritage sites in Macao, Austria and other relevant locations in Europe and SouthEast Asia. 

The MoU was signed at the rectorate of KunstUni in Linz by USJ Macao’s Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Academic Affairs, Professor Álvaro Barbosa, and KunstUni University’s Vice-Rector Prof. Mag.a Gitti Vasicek. The agreement will formalize the existing collaboration, enabling the formal application to further Research Funds, and opening new perspectives for further collaboration, namely in the area of Post-Doctoral Research and supervision of Doctoral Thesis in the model of Co-Tutele.

During his visit, Professor Álvaro Barbosa delivered a public lecture at the Tangible Music Lab on the topic of “Network Music and Behaviorally Driven Interaction”. The talk was broadcast online and is available for viewing on the Tangible Music Lab website.

The University of Arts Linz is going to distinguish itself artistically, creatively and academically as a place of unrestricted, brave and visionary thinking and a zone of critical experimenting. With the clear goal of qualitative and quantitative growth, the university commits to four profile-defining points of focus (excerpt from the development plan until 2027 – only in German): Contemporary Art and Beyond, Postdigital Cultures, Sustainable and Critical Design, Transformative Research and Education. These four points of focus are the further development of the previous three pillars of the University of Arts Linz’s profile. They accentuate the university’s high standards and its determination to act with an eye to the future and to adapt its contents and resources to meet the social/societal, ecological and technological challenges of globalisation and digital transformation. (Source: KunstUni Website)