
Public Lecture: Positive Approaches to Social Sciences: impacts on emotional development and relational goods



Public Lecture: Positive Approaches to Social Sciences: impacts on emotional development and relational goods by FPE on 14 December 2015

Web_20151214 - Positive Approaches to Social Sciences


In recent years, and mostly guided by a movement inside psychology, several social sciences and humanities (education, economics, sociology, health, management…) began turning their foci to the study and optimization of positive topics.

Flourishing and healthy development (complementing the study of the unhealthy and pathological ones), constructive relational goods, Public Happiness, or positive conflict resolution, are examples of those orientations. Data from these studies brought a different and new light upon the specific arenas, and helped understand more broadly several individual and collective human processes.

The theoretical and empirical implications of these alignments will be addressed in this Public Lecture, alongside with practical implications for the fields of Psychology and Education.



Luís Miguel Neto is an Assistant Professor at the School of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon University. He received his EdD in Family Therapy from the University of Massachusetts, USA and a post-graduate degree on Systemic Family Therapy from Sevilla University in Spain. At the Psychology School, Lisbon University, where he was a professor for twenty nine years, he was responsible for the SAFI – a Family and Individual Outpatient Clinic that served the community on a free-of-charge basis and was also a training centre in Solutions-Oriented Brief Psychotherapy. Currently he is a full member of the Centre for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP), a Lisbon University Research Centre. He is a regular Visiting Professor at the North-West University in South Africa. Recently he launched the Platform for Public Happiness at Lisbon University, where he is the Scientific Coordinator of the Executive Master in Applied Positive Psychology.

Helena Águeda Marujo is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon University, where she coordinates the Master Program in Human Resources Management. She is also the Executive Coordinator of the Executive Master in Applied Positive Psychology. She is a full member of the Centre for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP), a Lisbon University Research Centre.

She is a regular Visiting Professor the North-West University in South Africa. Recently she launched the Platform for Public Happiness at Lisbon University. Her recent research interests and publications are on the topic of Transformative and Appreciative Research, Positive Nations and Positive Communities. The Public Happiness/Felicitas Publica line of work lead her to the concept of Relational Goods, emerging from social and economical lines of research and intervention in Europe, giving a larger scope to the study and promotion of just and dignified relationships, either in the work and labour context, or in impoverished community areas.

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