
USJ social work students attend workshop on children with SEN organised by SKH





A group of bachelor of social work students attended a workshop on children with special educational needs (SEN) at Sheng Kung Hui’s “Youth and Family Integrated Service Centre” on the April 26.

A group of 18 third and fourth year bachelor of social work students from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) attended a workshop on children with special educational needs (SEN) at Sheng Kung Hui’s (SKH) “Youth and Family Integrated Service Centre” on the 26th of April, 2024.

Thew workshop taught the students about the characteristics and symptoms of different types of SEN and were engaged in experiential learning activities.

Afterwards, the students expressed their enthusiasm about the experiences of SEN children and better understood the difficulties of parents with SEN children. They also learnt the key elements of organising and debriefing activities specifically designed for children with SEN. This workshop allowed our students to put into practice all the knowledge they had learnt about SEN children and promoted their professional growth in the field of social work.