Further Directive and Suspension of All Public Masses in the Diocese of Macau

Dear Students, Colleagues, and Professors,


Happy Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs.

Many of you may be aware of the latest Chancery Notice promulgated by Bishop Stephen Lee on the 04th of Feb 2020 on https://www.catholic.org.mo/en/list-9/1200

The Chapel of the campus is therefore closed from today until further notice.

To highlight some of the measures, please read the following or check https://www.catholic.org.mo/en/list-9/1200 for details.
  1. From 6th to 19th February, 2020 (a total of 14 days), all scheduled Public Masses in the Diocese are suspended and churches will remain closed.
  2. All scheduled Public Masses are suspended in all churches, community chapels and elderly homes in the Diocese.
  3. The Diocese provides a link on the diocesan website to the broadcast Masses on Sunday and weekdays from 6th to 19th February:
    • Sunday (9th and 16th February): 9:15 am (Cantonese) / 11:00 am (Portuguese) / 5:00 PM (English)
    • Weekdays: 7:45 am (Cantonese) / 6:00 PM (Portuguese)
Let’s pray through the intercession of Saint Paul Miki and his companions who are very good models for us during this special period in which we have opportunities to sanctify ourselves and to embrace the Jesus Forsaken for others and with others.

In Him,
University of Saint Joseph

Last Updated: February 7, 2020 at 10:33 am
