

Animals after centuries of absolute or near absolute contempt, reinforced with Descartes inexcusable approach, finally are no longer being viewed, a bit all over the world, as mere objects such as table or a chair. Objects that can be disposed of in any way, can be maltreated in any event, can be tortured and killed at a whim. That era is over or nearly over. A brief video will be shown in class.

More and more one is witnessing an awareness and an evolution in legislation protecting animals, albeit with different approaches and techniques. In philosophy and other sciences such as neuro ones, animals are also becoming centre stage. Great legislative reforms on this topic are impacting and making their way into Constitutions, Civil Codes, Criminal codes, and so on. Macau approved a law protecting animals. With its shortcomings the fact is that Macau joined the modern legal systems that envisaged to protect animals and, in doing so, helping protecting human dignity of people itself.

課程詳情 :

導師:Mr. Paulo Cardinal
日期:2024年02月26日 至 2024年03月08日
時間:週一、五 19:00 – 21:00
課時:8小時 (共4節)
對象:Public workers, Lawyers and jurists in general that wish to explore and better understand the complex topic of the relation Animals vis-à-vis Law. Also, people that work or is active in animal protection or dealing with animals such as veterinarians. Anyone with curiosity and interest in this topic and wish to know more, to better understand the complexities of the topic.



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STEVEN WISE, Rattling The Cage: Toward Legal Rights For Animals, 2000

PAULO CARDINAL, Animais: Direito e Direitos – Alguns Tópicos de Aproximação, Legisiuris de Macau em Revista, n.º 9, 2018, pp. 39-58 (In Portuguese and in Chinese)

BIRGITTA WAHLBERG, Animal Law in General and Animal Rights in Particular, Scandinavian Studies in Law, 67, 2021


The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, at https://fcmconference.org/img/CambridgeDeclarationOnConsciousness.pdf 

MENEZES CORDEIRO, Tratado de Direito Civil, III, 2020

FERNANDO ARAÚJO, A Hora dos Direitos dos Animais, 2003, 

JOSÉ BONIFÁCIO RAMOS, O animal: coisa ou tertium genus?, O Direito, 141

EMIL KRUK and others, Legal Protection of Animals, 2020

GRAEME MCEWEN, Animal Law: Principles and Frontiers, 2011





