
聖若瑟大學於 2023 年畢業典禮授予 366 個學位和文憑





聖若瑟大學(USJ) 共授予1個榮譽博士學位、9個博士學位、 86 個碩士學位、89個學士學位以及181個學位後教育文憑。

今年,聖若瑟大學(USJ)於 2023 年 7 月 8 日(星期六)假澳門旅遊塔大禮堂舉行榮譽學位、高 等學位以及本科生和學位後文憑頒授儀式。典禮分上午和下午兩場舉行,共 366 名學生獲得學位 或文憑,一眾畢業生及其親友蒞臨參與活動。


社會文化司司長歐陽瑜致辭時表示,聖若瑟大學多年來積極促進與葡語系國家及歐洲國家交流, 在特區建設“一基地”的進程中,發揮澳門中西文化與學術交流的重要平台作用。她指出,為實 現國家賦予澳門的發展定位,特區政府進一步加強人才建設工作,透過人才培養、人才回流、人 才引進並行的政策措施,推動落實“1+4”適度多元發展策略。同時,十分重視澳門高等教育的 高質量發展,將一如既往地大力支持本澳高校發展,培養社會發展所需的各類人才,期望聖若瑟 大學繼續弘揚自身辦學特色,發揮獨特優勢,在現有的基礎下,進一步加快高校國際化的進度, 吸引全球優質高等教育資源,為區域和國家的發展所需,培養更多心懷家國且具備國際視野的青 年人才。

在榮譽學位頒授儀式上,聖大藝術及人文學院 Carlos Sena Caires 院長向楊慧林教授授予榮譽文學 博士學位。楊教授是神學詮釋學、宗教研究和比較文學領域的傑出學者,現任中國人民大學文學 院教授,該校前任副校長。

聖大校長麥侍文教授於上午場畢業禮上共頒授 9 個博士學位(政府研究、歷史、科學和教育專業) 及 86 個碩士學位。下午場畢業禮授予了 89 個學士學位和 181 個學位後教育文憑。

麥侍文校長致辭時表示:“親愛的畢業生,當我們一起踏上這段旅程時,我們希望在授予你們學 位時回顧一下,確認你們畢業時是一個具備最高水平的人,能夠嚴謹地、富批判性和創造力地思 考問題,協同合作,重視與不同背景、觀點、信仰和文化的人互動,並已超越了普通程度的技能 和掌握了自己的學科知識。今天,你們就是這樣的人,這樣的男士和女士,我們為你們的成就感 到非常自豪。”




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(聖若瑟大學藝術及人文學院院長Carlos Sena Caires教授、校監並澳門教區李斌生主教、楊慧林教授與聖若瑟大學校長麥侍文教授,於頒授榮譽博士學位時留影)

(Mr Morse Lei, Doctorate in Science graduand, set his road to pursue his PhD to inspire his children. During his speech, he said “I was 50 years old when I started. I have a happy family, a successful career and probably everything I ever wanted. Yet I was still determined, because I wanted to inspire my children to open up their mindsets and realise that no matter how tough the process is, just be brave, be fun and just enjoy it!”)

(Mr. Matthew Che is an accomplished USJ alumnus who is visually impaired. He completed his Bachelor of Social Work in 2018 and Master of Social Work degree in 2010, and now he is also a Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy graduand. During his speech, he said “I am a visually impaired person with a variety of chronic diseases. Studying in university was supposed to be difficult and challenging for me. The genuine acceptance, assistance, teaching, care, understanding and encouragement I felt at the University not only enabled me to continue to pursue my learning goals, but also made me feel inspired and joyful in the process. It has allowed me to capture a part of a fruitful chapter of my life here.“)

(Chancellor of USJ Most Reverend Bishop of Macao Stephen Lee Bun-sang, during his closing remarks of the morning session)

(Mr Pablo Enrique Titosse, bachelor graduate in Education, dedicated his speech to his grandmother who inspired him to follow his dreams. He also expressed his journey at USJ, saying “When I first arrived in Macau, I was a teenager in a huge world and searching for answers. Today, I am an adult in a world that has become smaller because in an international University such as ours, the world becomes a tiny place. Thanks to the professors that believed in my potential I could explore myself and the world. Thanks to the professors, I could lift my hidden skills and hatch the potential hidden by fear and shyness. I came in as a teen and I am leaving as a man, a man for the society and to the society.“)

(Ms Rosetti Ng, described her most memorable experience as an exchange student in Milan, Italy, during her studies in Bachelor of Architectural Studies, “As an art student, you can imagine how I felt when I saw the paintings of the masters that were only on my mobile phone screen, and when I was in the Pantheon and Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, the great works that I had talked about in my art history classes. The inner emotion cannot be described in words. I would also like to thank my professors who have always given me recognition in my academic studies. They have also been my life coaches, encouraging me to go to Milan for exchanges, encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone again and again, and inspiring me to go out and see more.”)

(Mr Bruno Leonardo Sousa Aguiar, PDGE English graduand, during his appreciation speech)

(Ms Tracy Lam, PDGE Chinese graduand, during his appreciation speech)