
Cloud Pavilion | 雷雲 · 建築



Cloud Pavilion by Faculty of Creative Industries. Opening on 25th May 2016.



Opening: Wednesday 25 May 2016 at 7:30 p.m. / Performances begin at 8:00 p.m.
開幕禮:二O一六年五月廿五日,星期三,晚上七時半 [表演由八時開始]

Exhibition: 25 May–3 June 2016


Plaza Sai Van (near Macau Tower) | 西灣湖廣場 [近觀光塔]

Macau SAR


A collaboration between architecture students from the University of Saint Joseph and media students from City University of Hong Kong, the Cloud Pavilion is a temporary structure located at the edge of Sai Van Lake. The tensegrity structure is constructed from bamboo rods, steel cables, and fabric panels, and enlivened by a computer-controlled light-and-sound show. By applying advanced digital design techniques to vernacular construction materials, the pavilion is intended as a link between Macau’s historical building traditions and contemporary cityscape. The opening night will feature live performances by a number of Macau-based artists.


雷雲· 建築」由聖若瑟大學組織,澳門基金會及香港城市大學支持,謹定於二O一六年五月廿五日晚上七時半舉行開幕禮。臨時搭建的「雷雲 · 建築」是由聖若瑟大學建築系學生及香港城市大學媒體設計學生合作設計及製作,由竹捧、鋼索及布版製成,並配合燈光及音效展示特色。在建築材料上加上電子設計技術,是次作品把澳門傳統的歷史建築連繫到當代城市的景觀。開幕禮更邀請了數位本地藝術家作現場表現。展期由五月廿五日至六月七日。


Bamboo Structure (Faculty of Creative industries, University of Saint Joseph)



Jason Dembski

Diogo Teixeira



Bryan Qingrong Zeng

Delia Fong Ian Wong

Cynthia Iao Hio Sin

Sam Sou Hou Wan

Gloria Ao Ieong

Kyle Cheong Hoi Kei

Michael Stanly Loyola Zapanta

Wong Pui I Anna

Gui Jesus Carvalho Freitas Da Silva

Rosita Ka In Pang

Eugenio Fiumi

Andrea Bonizzato



Media Installation (School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong)



Tobias Klein



Ahamed Junaid Ibrahim

Vanetta Law Chung Yan

Kelvin Ma Chun Yu

Kwan Kin Wai

Chan Sui Ling

Chan Sui Ling

Chung Hiu Lam

TsangKa Wai

Angus Wing-chung Chan

Ronald Ng Pak Kei

Pauline Cheng Pui Lam

Venus Ng

Carol Tse Oi Ping

Chow Wing Nam

Lau Nga Fong

Tsui Ka Wai

Ho Ka Yee

Camellia Wong

Kai Cheuk Hei

Ko Yee Ki Kelly

Agnes Tang Hio Tong

Kwan Siu Yin Marvin

Wong Wai Yin

Henry Kwok

Iki Leung

Timothy Lam

Jesse Ma

Bill Yau

Kelvin Lee

Kelvin Li

Wun Hei Dominique Leung

Shin Jaekyung

Chow Yun Fu

To Tsz Sum Janice

WanYu Chun

Chan Ling Chi

Chan Wai Sze

Yuen Wing Tung

Ho Ngan Ping

Tina Yam Tin Yan


Opening Night Performances

Shape Shifter (Performer: Neil Sweeney)

Untitled Duet (Performers: Halfan Saddi & Stanley Martin)

Fabric of Desires (Performer: Heather Spilka)

Capoeira Trio (Performers: Neil Sweeny, Isaac Braga, Janusz Ciechowski)


Organised by

Department of Architecture and Design

Faculty of Creative Industries

University of Saint Joseph



University of Saint Joseph

City University of Hong Kong

Macau Foundation


Flickr Album here

Youtube Video here