
Hollywood Animation Guru talks to USJ Communication & Media Students





Hollywood Guru talked to USJ Communication & Media Students

University of Saint Joseph – Faculty of Creative Industries organized a unique interactive session with two Hollywood animation gurus, Mr. Chris Hendersen and Mr. Jay Ahn, to share experience and tips on the Hollywood animation industry. This event was made possible with the support of the Macau Cultural Promotion Association, Association for Talent Development in the Creative and Cultural Industries of Macao and Macao Ethnic Minority Creative Cultural Association.

The event brought to USJ, Mr. Chris Henderson and Mr. Jay Ahn veteran Hollywood animation producers with a successful track record of producing and managing the likes of “Hunchback of Notre Dame II”, “The Nut Job” and many others.

The two producers emphasized the need for talent and training for the youth in understanding the process of animation and immerse oneself in the art of storytelling to increase the repertoire of stories to be told. Moreover, they stressed the role of partnerships with school and the industry in identifying opportunities for students and developing talent early on in their careers.  Mr. Jay Ahn also reflected the need for government support and a clear vision.  For example, South Korea invested in various hardware and studios in the development of the industry, which lends itself, not only in animation but gaming, VR and modeling applications.

Mr. Henderson also reiterated the fact that it was necessary to form an ecosystem for the sustainable development of talent and also attracting international talent and from his first impressions, Macau seems to have what it takes to attract international talent once the proper ecosystem has been created.

It is a privilege and honor to be able to have such an international lineup of Masters to share their experience and contribute to the advancement of Digital Cinema and 3D Animation education in Macau. USJ continues to inspire students and broaden horizons by providing unique opportunities through its networks to provide the best educational experience via its innovative and industry focused programs.



For more information, please click on the following links:

Chris Henderson

Jay Ahn

USJ Digital Cinema

USJ Communication & Media