
Public Lecture: Science Education and Communication as a Key Social Process: The example of the Lousal CIÊNCIA VIVA Science Centre, Portugal



On 15 October, USJ’s Institute of Science and Environment will hold a Public Lecture titled “Science Education and Communication as a Key Social Process: The example of the Lousal CIÊNCIA VIVA Science Centre, Portugal” at the Speakers’ Hall, NAPE.



Science communication needs to be able to translate complex science topics into a form that is easily understandable by the general public. This process raises awareness about the contribution of science to solve societal issues and is part of an educational framework that provides tools for informed decision-making. The development of a sustainable society should be seen as a continuous process of learning and change, involving a variety of actors that provide guidance and leadership in formal and non-formal learning contexts. The Lousal mining village comprises a Mining Museum, a Science Centre and an Underground Mining Gallery. In this presentation, we will emphasise the importance of science education and communication for the society using some results of this ongoing project.


Álvaro Pinto was born in Porto, Portugal. He holds a degree in geology at the University of Porto and Masters degree in geology/metallogeny at the University of Lisbon. He was a mineralogist at the Neves Corvo mine and at the National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon. Álvaro Pinto was invited assistant professor in geology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and is currently the Executive Director of the Lousal Science Centre, member of the Portuguese Ciência Viva national network, in representation of the Faculty of Sciences; researcher at the Instituto Dom Luiz of the University of Lisbon (IDL/FCUL – Laboratório Associado). He also participated in several research projects. He is the author or co-author of more than three dozen of scientific papers and guest speaker in different organisms and International mining consultant for applied mineralogy in ore exploration, ore exploitation, ore beneficiation and environmental issues.

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