Friday, March 22, 2013

Time Event Name
08:15 Registration
09:00 Welcome Address Vice Rector of USJ: Prof. Anna Chan
09:30 Invited speech: Research Trends of Higher Education in China
Dr. Du Yunying, Research Center for Higher Education of the National Institute of Education Sciences, Beijing.
10:00 Photo session
10:30 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 1 A
ICT in teaching and learning

Session Chair: Cheng-Chih Wu
Research paper, track 1 B
Theory of learning

Session Chair: Tony Clear
11:00 CS Students’ Readiness and Perceptions of Using Mobile Technology During Lectures.
Wafaa Alsaggaf, Margaret Hamilton and James Harland
Computer Science Education: the First Threshold Concept
Nickolas Falkner, Katrina Falkner and Rebecca Vivian
11:30 Java Assist Learning System for Assisted Learning on Facebook
Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Ching Lin, Bin Shyan Jong and Yen-Teh Hsia
Object Interaction Competence Model v. 2.0
Jens Bennedsen and Carsten Schulte
12:00 Misconceptions in Visual Algorithm Simulation Revisited: On UI's Effect on Student Performance, Attitudes, and Misconceptions
Ville Karavirta, Ari Korhonen and Otto Seppälä
Engagement in Computer Science and IT – What! A Matter of Identity?
Anne Peters and Arnold Pears
12:30 Lunch
Research papers, track 2 A
Social Media in Education
Session Chair: Reyyan Ayfer
Research papers, track 2 B
Students' attitudes
Session Chair: Ville Karavirta
14:00 Facebook versus Blackboard for Supporting the Learning of Programming in a Fully Online Course: The Changing Face of Computing
Mercy Maleko, Dip Nandi, Margaret Hamilton, Daryl D'Souza and James Harland
Study Habits of CS1 Students: What do they say they do?
Judy Sheard, Angela Carbone, Donald Chinn and Mikko-Jussi Laakso
14:30 Facebook as an Informal Learning Space Channel: The São José, Macao, Cases
Su Kio and Joao Negreiros
Building consensus: Students’ cognitive and metacognitive behaviours during wiki construction.
Rebecca Vivian, Katrina Falkner and Nickolas Falkner
15:00 Moodle Versus eClass for Macau Schools
Andrea Munoyenda and Richard Whitfield
What is feedback? Connecting Student Perceptions to Assessment Practices
Arnold Pears, Roger Hadgraft, Margaret Hamilton and James Harland
15:30 Tea/coffee break
Work in progress papers 3 A
Session Chair: Carsten Schulte
Work in progress papers 3 B
Session Chair: Mohamed Shenify
16:00 Instructor Scaffolding and Students’ Critical Thinking through Asynchronous Online Discussion Forum
Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu, Baharuddin Aris and Zaidatun Tasir
Analysing the enacted object of learning in lab assignments in programming education
Anna Eckerdal and Michael Thuné
16:20 The learning outcomes of the exam question in the Input/Output topic in Computer Architecture
Edurne Larraza-Mendiluze and Nestor Garay-Vitoria
Computer Science Students’ Perception of Computer Network Security
Volkan Cambazoglu and Neena Thota
16:40 Changing Computer Programming Education; The Dinosaur that Survived in School Lennart Rolandsson Using Growing Pet Game in Facebook to enhance students’ learning motivation: in an Operating System course
Ye-Xuan She, Ming-Hong Lin, Chien-Hung Lai and Bin Shyan Jong
17:00 Learning to Program in a Connected World
Su White and Jian Shi
17:20 End of session for day 1
18:30 Conference Dinner
Laurel Restaurant, Star World

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Time Event Name
09:00 Keynote address: Reinventing the University
Roger Hadgraft
Session Chair: Anna Eckerdal
10:00 Posters and demo
Bringing History of Computing into High School CS Curriculum: Teachers’ Perspectives
Yifen Chen and Cheng-Chih Wu
Learning Beginning Programming with Cloud-based Closed Programming Practices
Yu-Jen Lo, Chiung-Chen Lin, Lily Hou, Jane-Dong Wu, Yu-Chi Feng and Greg C. Lee
The Constructivist Beliefs of High School Computer Teachers
Ya-Hsun Tsai and Cheng-Chih Wu
NIME Education at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University / CITAR
Luıs Gustavo Martins and Alvaro Barbosa
Demo: Introducing Computing through the Internet of Things
Neil Smith
10:30 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 4 A
ICT in teaching and learning
Session chair: Greg Lee
Research paper, track 4 B
Session Chair: Baharuddin Aris
11:00 Empirical study on the effect of achievement badges in the TRAKKLA2 online learning environment
Lasse Hakulinen, Tapio Auvinen and Ari Korhonen
How Do Students Solve Parsons Programming Problems? -- Execution-based vs. line-based feedback
Juha Helminen, Satu Alaoutinen, Petri Ihantola and Ville Karavirta
11:30 Educating computer programming students about plagiarism through use of a code similarity detection tool
Tri Nguyen, Angela Carbone, Judy Sheard, Margot Schuhmacher, Michael de Raadt and Chris Johnson
Novices’ Debugging Behaviors in VB Programming
Mei-Wen Chen, Cheng-Chih Wu and Yu-Tzu Lin
12:00 Automatic grading of free-form diagrams with label hypernymy
Neil Smith, Pete Thomas and Kevin Waugh
Soloway's rainfall problem becomes harder
12:30 Lunch
Practice sharing papers 5 A
Session Chair: Arnold Pears
Practice sharing papers 5 B
Session Chair: Simon
14:00 Using enterprise level software for a large scale compulsory course in an Information Systems undergraduate program – an example from Singapore
Ilse Baumgartner
A Practice for Providing Additional Support in CS1
Simo Haatainen, Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Ville Isomöttönen and Vesa Lappalainen
14:20 Teaching algorithmic thinking using haptic models for visually impaired students
Dino Capovilla, Johannes Krugel and Peter Hubwieser
Deployment of Capstone projects in Software Engineering Education at Duy Tan University as part of a University-wide Project-based Learning effort
Man Nguyen Duc, Vu Truong Tien and Bao Le Nguyen
14:40 Instruction of Digital Integrated Circuit Design Courses for Non-Major Undergraduates
Shih-Lun Chen, Yu-Kuen Lai, Wei-Chih Hu and Wen-Yaw Chung
Encouraging Students by Reflective Dialogues : A Teaching Concept Based on DialogueMaps and its Evaluation
Marcel Morisse, Paul Drews, Arno Sagawe and Detlef Rick
15:00 Motivating computer scientists to engage with professional issues – a technology led approach to a persistent challenge.
Su White and Hugh C. Davis
15:20 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 6 A
Students' learning
Session Chair: Neil Smith
Research paper, track 6 B
Students' attitudes
Session Chair: Jens Bennedsen
16:00 A surface approach to learning rewards first-year engineering students Maria Svedin, Olle Bälter, Kerstin Pettersson and Max Scheja A Reflection on the First Run of the Runestone Project at Tongji University: Observations on Cross Cultural Distributed Teams vs Face to Face Teams Minjuan Janet Tong and Tony Clear
16:30 Neo-Piagetian Forms of Reasoning in Software Development Process Construction
Katrina Falkner, Rebecca Vivian and Nickolas Falkner
Common Areas for Improvement in Physical Science Units that have Critically Low Student Satisfaction Angela Carbone and Jason Ceddia
17:00 End of session for day 2
18:00 Conference Buffet
Grand Lisboa

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time Event Name
9:00 Announcement of LaTICE 2014 chairs and venue
9:30 Latice network discussion. Discussion chair: Arnold Pears
10:30 Tea/coffee break
11:00 Report by DC chairs. Alvaro Barbosa, Anna Eckerdal, Greg Lee
11:30 Meeting for program and organizing committee members
12:30 The end
Time Event Name
08:15 Registration
09:00 Welcome Address Vice Rector of USJ: Prof. Anna Chan
09:30 Invited speech: Research Trends of Higher Education in China
Dr. Du Yunying, Research Center for Higher Education of the National Institute of Education Sciences, Beijing.
10:00 Photo session
10:30 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 1 A
ICT in teaching and learning

Session Chair: Cheng-Chih Wu
Research paper, track 1 B
Theory of learning

Session Chair: Tony Clear
11:00 CS Students’ Readiness and Perceptions of Using Mobile Technology During Lectures.
Wafaa Alsaggaf, Margaret Hamilton and James Harland
Computer Science Education: the First Threshold Concept
Nickolas Falkner, Katrina Falkner and Rebecca Vivian
11:30 Java Assist Learning System for Assisted Learning on Facebook
Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Ching Lin, Bin Shyan Jong and Yen-Teh Hsia
Object Interaction Competence Model v. 2.0
Jens Bennedsen and Carsten Schulte
12:00 Misconceptions in Visual Algorithm Simulation Revisited: On UI's Effect on Student Performance, Attitudes, and Misconceptions
Ville Karavirta, Ari Korhonen and Otto Seppälä
Engagement in Computer Science and IT – What! A Matter of Identity?
Anne Peters and Arnold Pears
12:30 Lunch
Research papers, track 2 A
Social Media in Education
Session Chair: Reyyan Ayfer
Research papers, track 2 B
Students' attitudes
Session Chair: Ville Karavirta
14:00 Facebook versus Blackboard for Supporting the Learning of Programming in a Fully Online Course: The Changing Face of Computing
Mercy Maleko, Dip Nandi, Margaret Hamilton, Daryl D'Souza and James Harland
Study Habits of CS1 Students: What do they say they do?
Judy Sheard, Angela Carbone, Donald Chinn and Mikko-Jussi Laakso
14:30 Facebook as an Informal Learning Space Channel: The São José, Macao, Cases
Su Kio and Joao Negreiros
Building consensus: Students’ cognitive and metacognitive behaviours during wiki construction.
Rebecca Vivian, Katrina Falkner and Nickolas Falkner
15:00 Moodle Versus eClass for Macau Schools
Andrea Munoyenda and Richard Whitfield
What is feedback? Connecting Student Perceptions to Assessment Practices
Arnold Pears, Roger Hadgraft, Margaret Hamilton and James Harland
15:30 Tea/coffee break
Work in progress papers 3 A
Session Chair: Carsten Schulte
Work in progress papers 3 B
Session Chair: Mohamed Shenify
16:00 Instructor Scaffolding and Students’ Critical Thinking through Asynchronous Online Discussion Forum
Siti Nazleen Abdul Rabu, Baharuddin Aris and Zaidatun Tasir
Analysing the enacted object of learning in lab assignments in programming education
Anna Eckerdal and Michael Thuné
16:20 The learning outcomes of the exam question in the Input/Output topic in Computer Architecture
Edurne Larraza-Mendiluze and Nestor Garay-Vitoria
Computer Science Students’ Perception of Computer Network Security
Volkan Cambazoglu and Neena Thota
16:40 Changing Computer Programming Education; The Dinosaur that Survived in School Lennart Rolandsson Using Growing Pet Game in Facebook to enhance students’ learning motivation: in an Operating System course
Ye-Xuan She, Ming-Hong Lin, Chien-Hung Lai and Bin Shyan Jong
17:00 Learning to Program in a Connected World
Su White and Jian Shi
17:20 End of session for day 1
18:30 Conference Dinner
Laurel Restaurant, Star World
Time Event Name
09:00 Keynote address: Reinventing the University
Roger Hadgraft
Session Chair: Anna Eckerdal
10:00 Posters and demo
Bringing History of Computing into High School CS Curriculum: Teachers’ Perspectives
Yifen Chen and Cheng-Chih Wu
Learning Beginning Programming with Cloud-based Closed Programming Practices
Yu-Jen Lo, Chiung-Chen Lin, Lily Hou, Jane-Dong Wu, Yu-Chi Feng and Greg C. Lee
The Constructivist Beliefs of High School Computer Teachers
Ya-Hsun Tsai and Cheng-Chih Wu
NIME Education at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University / CITAR
Luıs Gustavo Martins and Alvaro Barbosa
Demo: Introducing Computing through the Internet of Things
Neil Smith
10:30 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 4 A
ICT in teaching and learning
Session chair: Greg Lee
Research paper, track 4 B
Session Chair: Baharuddin Aris
11:00 Empirical study on the effect of achievement badges in the TRAKKLA2 online learning environment
Lasse Hakulinen, Tapio Auvinen and Ari Korhonen
How Do Students Solve Parsons Programming Problems? -- Execution-based vs. line-based feedback
Juha Helminen, Satu Alaoutinen, Petri Ihantola and Ville Karavirta
11:30 Educating computer programming students about plagiarism through use of a code similarity detection tool
Tri Nguyen, Angela Carbone, Judy Sheard, Margot Schuhmacher, Michael de Raadt and Chris Johnson
Novices’ Debugging Behaviors in VB Programming
Mei-Wen Chen, Cheng-Chih Wu and Yu-Tzu Lin
12:00 Automatic grading of free-form diagrams with label hypernymy
Neil Smith, Pete Thomas and Kevin Waugh
Soloway's rainfall problem becomes harder
12:30 Lunch
Practice sharing papers 5 A
Session Chair: Arnold Pears
Practice sharing papers 5 B
Session Chair: Simon
14:00 Using enterprise level software for a large scale compulsory course in an Information Systems undergraduate program – an example from Singapore
Ilse Baumgartner
A Practice for Providing Additional Support in CS1
Simo Haatainen, Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Ville Isomöttönen and Vesa Lappalainen
14:20 Teaching algorithmic thinking using haptic models for visually impaired students
Dino Capovilla, Johannes Krugel and Peter Hubwieser
Deployment of Capstone projects in Software Engineering Education at Duy Tan University as part of a University-wide Project-based Learning effort
Man Nguyen Duc, Vu Truong Tien and Bao Le Nguyen
14:40 Instruction of Digital Integrated Circuit Design Courses for Non-Major Undergraduates
Shih-Lun Chen, Yu-Kuen Lai, Wei-Chih Hu and Wen-Yaw Chung
Encouraging Students by Reflective Dialogues : A Teaching Concept Based on DialogueMaps and its Evaluation
Marcel Morisse, Paul Drews, Arno Sagawe and Detlef Rick
15:00 Motivating computer scientists to engage with professional issues – a technology led approach to a persistent challenge.
Su White and Hugh C. Davis
15:20 Tea/coffee break
Research paper, track 6 A
Students' learning
Session Chair: Neil Smith
Research paper, track 6 B
Students' attitudes
Session Chair: Jens Bennedsen
16:00 A surface approach to learning rewards first-year engineering students Maria Svedin, Olle Bälter, Kerstin Pettersson and Max Scheja A Reflection on the First Run of the Runestone Project at Tongji University: Observations on Cross Cultural Distributed Teams vs Face to Face Teams Minjuan Janet Tong and Tony Clear
16:30 Neo-Piagetian Forms of Reasoning in Software Development Process Construction
Katrina Falkner, Rebecca Vivian and Nickolas Falkner
Common Areas for Improvement in Physical Science Units that have Critically Low Student Satisfaction Angela Carbone and Jason Ceddia
17:00 End of session for day 2
18:00 Conference Buffet
Grand Lisboa
Time Event Name
9:00 Announcement of LaTICE 2014 chairs and venue
9:30 Latice network discussion. Discussion chair: Arnold Pears
10:30 Tea/coffee break
11:00 Report by DC chairs. Alvaro Barbosa, Anna Eckerdal, Greg Lee
11:30 Meeting for program and organizing committee members
12:30 The end